Ottorino Respighi Works

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Ottorino Respighi Works

Ottorino Respighi Works

In 1916 Respighi drafted Le Fontane di Roma a composition encouraged by four Roman fountains. The first recital in 1917 was joined by a lukewarm triumph, but in 1918 a new recital conducted by Arturo Toscanini granted celebrity to Respighi. In 1924 Respighi drafted a second symphonic rhyme, over encouraged by Rome, not by its monuments but by its pines. The first subject is dedicated to the pines of Villa Borghese and to the offspring who play under their shadow. The Villa has a type of trees. The finest pines are found throughout Piazza di Siena (image on the left) but more other pines can be encountered in its southerly and western elements, while the older part of the Villa, behind the Casino, is an Italian planted area with smaller number pines. The second subject is in spiky show up with the first, Respighi deserts the joyful clatter of the offspring playing and progresses to the pines next to a catacomb. It is not not hard to pinpoint these pines. The catacombs of S. Callisto (a real estate of the Holy See) have been embellished with long alleys of cypresses, picked as a icon of mourning. Maybe he had in psyche the all alone pine at the way in of the catacombs of S. Sebastiano. (Barrow 2004)

Very close to the catacombs there are other pines adjacent a sort of recent catacombs. In March 1944 a explosive invention detonated in Via Rasella, close to Palazzo Barberini just as a platoon of German forces was marching by, putting to death 33 soldiers. In retaliation 335 Italians, either detained for political and racial justifications, or chosen at random, were murdered in a tufa cave (Fosse Ardeatine) close to the catacombs. The weighty obstruct covering the 335 tombs ...
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