Origins Of Psychology

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Origins of Psychology


Psychology, the study of the human mind, easier said than done, but let's look at it a bit deeper, if the science is of the study of the human mind, the object; what is the tool The human mind. For this reason, psychology or the methods used to prove or disprove theory can get a little creative and sometimes unorthodox. Usually, when one is about to conduct a series of test they would follow the scientific method; which is to first observe, than question, predict followed by series of test to prove or disprove your theory and in turn answer your original question or hypothesis. Where in the fascinating world of psychology, the process is the same but the problem lies with the “control” of the experiment.

Origins of Psychology


From two Greek words: psyche, which means the mind or the soul and logos, which means study, the science of Psychology has been studied and defined by many people throughout the ages. Hilgard, Morgan, Silverman, and Schlesinger are just a few. A careful analysis of their foregoing definitions of psychology reveals common points: Psychology is the scientific study of the behaviors of living organisms; the term behavior must not be solely attributed to man's physical reactions and observable behavior; and thoughts, feelings, and attitudes are also connected to the term behavior.


The primary goals of Psychology are mainly to describe, identify, understand and explain behavior, to know its factors, and to control or change behavior. Psychologists often apply their knowledge and understanding of human behavior to solve issues and help in our society. Different areas of specialization in Psychology are studied to provide better understandings of this science(Allport, 1955). Psychology is the academic and applied scientific study of mental processes and behaviour. Psychology also involves the application of knowledge to various spheres of human activity, from daily life, work and family to the treatment of severe mental health problems. Psychology revolves around such broad areas as emotions, perception, individuality and personality, relationships, social dynamics and functions, plus many other subjects. Psychology also attempts to identify the physical, biological processes that underlie mental functioning (Ballantyne, 1991).

Psychology investigates a wide spectrum of topics which include learning and memory, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, thinking and language, personality and social behavior, intelligence, infancy and child development, mental illness, and much more. It is very important to study these fields because they are present in everything we do. The brain and mind are the reasons we are the way we are and act in a certain way: Psychology has a leading role to play in understanding how brain function relates to behavior. People are, and always have been, curious about why they feel, think and behave as they do. The reasons why we act a certain way may help us be more successful in life. Making decisions, for example, is an important task that everyone must carry out on a day-to-day ...
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