Organizational Resource Management

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Organizational Resource Management

Organizational Resource Management


Human Resource is the most important and integral part of every organization. The way a HR department runs, deeply affects the whole organization. A hefty part of an organization's growth depends on the Human Resource department as they are responsible for recruiting the people who are suitable for the job. An organization needs talented and skilled people to drive their company towards success, and for that, the organization needs a capable and talented HR team. If a company has a flexible, highly skilled and strong management and workforce then it will surely be successful (Armstrong, 2006, 90).

If a HR department fails to hire suitable employees and they also fail to see the problems of the company, then many problems are faced by the company. These problems will continue to increase if they are not dealt with immediately and properly. The company can face lose and conflicts because of the mismanagement of the HR department. Even if one department is in conflict, the whole company suffers (Armstrong, 2006, 90). HR is one of the most versatile and hardest working functions of any organization. They impact every aspect of the company and are stewards of its vision. HR engages in leadership and management development, employee counselling, community outreach, and a whole lot more (Legge, 2004, 47).

In this report, a conflict faced by an organization is discussed and its possible solutions and their outcomes are given.

Organization Problem and Its Impact

ABC Company was a leading company of its country and used to achieve maximum revenues monthly. The company started off within a small room and due to the hard work of its owners and the small workforce they had, they gradually started to achieve more and more profits. The company expended in just a few years and moved to a bigger infrastructure. They hired some more suitable employees and were getting more and more work. The company was then established as a leading company of its kind.

The whole team was pleased with themselves as they have managed to turn their company into one of the most successful one, their customers were also happy with them. However, after a short period of flying high with success, the company's profits started to decrease. They started getting complaints from their customers. The workforce was giving their best, sacrificing their holidays and working late at nights, but still the problem remained.

The problem of this company is that they have a huge amount of workload but have few employees. The employees are given the tasks of four to five people which they have to complete each day. The amount of work is preventing the employees for giving the best product as they have to meet deadlines and finish a large amount of work each day. The main problem is to come up with solutions to deal with this threat and to make attain the success and profits which the company had before this conflict aroused.

Solutions and Outcomes

The company needs to deal with this ...
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