Organizing is the function of administration which follows planning. It is a function in which the synchronization and combination of human, personal and financial assets takes place. All the three resources are significant to get results. Therefore, organizational function helps in achievement of outcomes which in detail is important for the functioning of a concern.
“coordinating is a function by which the concern is able to characterise the role positions, the occupations associated and the co- ordination between authority and responsibility. Hence, a manager habitually has to coordinate in alignment to get results. No issue the wideness or the deepness of an organization, it will habitually have the inherent need for human resources. It is safe to state that without manpower, no organization in the world would exist. Recognizing not only the need for persons, but more importantly, the need for accomplished, efficient and trusted workers has been a key turning issue in defining the function of the HR professional.
As the persons" or organizations, today's HR professionals work in a broad kind of capabilities as mediators, mentors, job analysts, and vocation planners - to name a few. However, perhaps some of the most important and challenging functions of HR professionals are directly related to the recruitment, selection, training, and appraisal of the organization's employees (or potential employees as the case may be). It is up to HR manager or management team to create processes and methodologies in recruiting, training, and appraising its staff in such a way that it is congruent with the values, vision and culture of the organization.
This can be an enormous challenge - especially in today's business world where companies are constantly acquiring and merging together forming whole new identities at an exponential rate. In dealing with the ambiguity of the corporate world HR professionals realize that it is not singular performance of each and every HR function that will assure the best human resources for their organizations, it is the alignment and integration of all of the HR functions that create an environment that empowers and encourages employee growth, competency, and loyalty.
There are two main components of the staffing function, which are the recruitment and selection of potential employees. Recruitment, which involves all actions in attracting applicants from both inside and outside the organization, is one of the most pivotal roles of the HR professional. The bottom line in the recruiting effort is to attract the most qualified applicants for the needed positions by communicating the qualifications needed in order to fulfill the position.
With a constant cycle of mergers and acquisitions occurring around the globe involving some of the world's most monolithic organizations, the role of recruiter has changed vastly over the past few years. Because organizations are finding themselves more and more saturated with talented and highly competent employees, they are looking to fulfill vacant positions within the organization. This is also a very logical approach because existing employees are already well oriented with the policies and culture of the organization and ...