Organizational Capacity

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Organizational Capacity

Organizational Capacity


Capacity building is the process, in the organization in to develop certain strategies or programs, which enhance an organization's skills, systems, mission and other strategies. Organizations have to be well managed, in order to develop organizational capacity. It is not dependent on the program designs but, variety of factors, which include skills to develop certain programs in order to enhance the mission and scope of the objectives of the organizations. The purpose of the ability is to measure the performances of the programs and different skills in the creation of partnerships and, it also involves mobilizing of volunteers and employees and resources for different activities. This ability is bound to provide independent shapes of administrative support.


The term capacity development was emerged in the market since 1990s. Today, capacity development has become the essential part of the programs of international organizations which, work for the development purposes such as; World Bank, United Nations, and other nongovernment organizations. Certain NGOs also use the strategy of capacity building and, enhance their mission and, record favorable outcomes by using this development. Capacity building has aimed to bring skills in the organizations, competencies and abilities of different communities in the developing societies so that they may overcome their issues. I have worked as a leader in the United Nations Development Program and my senior manager has asked me to enhance the effectiveness and capacity of the organization. The program of United Nations was the first to develop capacity building since early 70s. The United Nations Development program provided guidelines to the staff and government on the focus of institution building. According to United Nations Development Program, capacity building is the long term program, which includes stakeholders, ministries, local authorities and academics. The approaches of capacity building use scientific and practical approaches in certain cases. The use of organizational capacity in NGOs is found very effective in order to develop internal activities. Organizations tend to adopt capacity building in their own ways such as fundraising, training of employees, different learning centers and consultants are the essential components of the capacity building. According to the organization, capacity Development can be based on four issues such as institutional arrangements, leadership, knowledge and accountability.

Evaluation of UNDP capacity building

Institutional Arrangements

It has been found that, institutions are not enough because of weak foundations and policies. These issues are also noticed because of lack of resources, management, organization and leadership. The United Nations Development Program had worked to overcome the issues of resources and other management strategies with the help institutional arrangement of human resource (Higgs M. & Rowland D., 2005). The program also covered the policies of recruitment, incentives, producing funds and development of skills through outstanding training programs.


UNDP believes that, leadership is the ability to lead a team, which can be based on a number of team members either technical, non technical, managerial, non managerial and other staff. The leadership's ability is also dependent on various key skills. A leader always wants people to follow ...
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