Organizational Analysis

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Course in Organisational Analysis

Course in Organizational Analysis

Organizational Analysis

Analysis of the organization is an analysis of organizations as well as of individuals. This includes questions structure and formality. It also covers the process and in very change radically. The subject can be very abstract and draw literature dealing with organizations in general, more than any other sector. However, most of the material is based on a model of the private sector, although in the most general sense, it covers issues such as major changes organizational dynamics are common to a large extent, all organizations all sectors they occupy (Bateman, 2004, 13).


The body of and contribution to knowledge in management and organizational analysis is not limited to the study of practices in developed countries only. There are substantial insights that can be delivered from organizational analysis in developing and emerging nations as well. In addition, understanding organizational practices in these nations provides organizations who seek to operate in these countries, or have integral contact through their supply chains, insights into their organizational strategies and operations. The historical under representation of published studies of these practices in these countries does not bode well for progress within and between nations.


The Analysis of an organization is a system that interacts with its environment-specific, and others depend upon it, but are always aware of the potential influences of a general environment. In the next section, we worked on the components in both general and specific limitations, but only mention because they are more related to the organization with its own administration, and show how it may restrict the studies of the course (Romme, 2003, 558).

Public pressure group

Managers cannot fail to recognize the existence of special interest groups trying to influence the actions of organizations. These influences are simply to threaten some organizations so that his managers change its policy. As changing social and political movements, so does the power of lobbyists. Managers should be aware of the power that these groups can exert over its decisions (Thompson, 2003, 129).

Price levels

The inputs of a firm are the clear influence of changes in price levels. If they go up fast enough, the disorder in the economic environment, both input and production can be serious. Inflation not only upsets the companies, but also distorts all types of organizations for their effects on costs of labor, materials and other items.


One of the factors most effect on the environment is technology. Science provides the knowledge and technology in use. The term technology refers to the sum total of knowledge we have of the ways of doing things. Some benefits of technology are higher productivity, higher standards of living. More time for rest and a greater variety of products. The most rapid during the past centuries are likely to have occurred in technology. Now we have computerized offices, robot manufacturing, ray lasers, integrated circuits, microdots, microprocessors etc ... The Company that prosper are those that get the most out of technology.

An example of how the environment affects the manager's association with ...
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