Organisational Behaviour

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Organisational Behaviour

Table Of Contents


Organisational Structures and Cultures3

Performance Analysis3

Apple's Organisational theory Approach4

Amazon's Organisational theory Approach4

Motivation in groups/team work5

Factors that affect the employees' behaviour5

Types of leadership5

Behaviour of Groups5

Creation of Teams6

Impact of Technology6



Organisational Behaviour


Organisational behaviour studies how different people act in different organisations. It studies the employer-employee relationship and includes the study of different organisational cultures, structures, theories etc.

Organisational Structures and Cultures

Every organisation has a different structure and a different culture. There are four different types of organisational cultures. The clan culture is the best as compared to the other three cultures; Adhocracy, Hierarchy and Market culture. In a clan culture, the environment is very friendly, and the organisation is just like an extended family of the employee. An adhocracy culture is one that includes risk taking and innovation (Crowther, 2004, pp 26). A hierarchy culture is one that is very formal and follows a strict and traditional culture. A market culture is a results-driven organisation where people compete and are goal oriented.

Organisational structure includes three different types. They are Traditional structures, divisional structures and matrix structures. The traditional structure is one that is divided according to the functions and departments in the organisation. The divisional structures are divided according to the divisions in the organisation. Structures are based according to the product, market and geographic structure. A matrix structure is a mixture of traditional and divisional structure. This is the most complex organisational structure, but the most effective amongst the three.

Performance Analysis

The performance of the organisation depends on the management. After the management, it rests on the organisational culture and structure. The organisational culture defines the performance standards and sets the norms of work; whereas the organisational structure defines the hierarchy of the organisation and sets a pathway for the employees as to how they should perform in the organisation and whom they should report to.

The organisational culture and structure has a great influence on the performance of an organisation. In an open culture, the employees are not restricted from performing any activity as long as they are performing their job and are contributing to the company's success. In a strict organisational culture, the employees have to remain very formal and perform their duties while following the rules and regulations. An open culture will reap more profits for the company because the employees will enjoy what they are doing, and the company will perform better.

Same is the case with organisational structure (Boddy, 2009, pp 10). The company will not be able to perform in a structure where they there is a huge hierarchy and the employee has to report each and every activity of his. A company will perform better if the structure of the organisation is such that the employee has only one reporting authority. The employee will perform better in this case.

Apple's Organisational theory Approach

Apple follows a very different organisational approach. Its organisational approach is based on innovation. Apple encourages creative and pioneering work. The founder of Apple, Steve Jobs (Late) had a very creative and innovative mind, and he ...
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