Organ Sales

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Organ Sales


Organ sales will save lives. There are thousands of people dying to buy a kidney, and thousands of people are dying to sell a kidney. Governments should not prohibit the sale of human organs, they should regulate it. Life should not be wasted, they should be preserved. Approximately 350.000 Americans suffer from end-stage renal disease1; state of the kidney disorder is so perfect that body ceases to function altogether (David 487). There are no miracle drugs that can revive the failed kidneys, leaving a dialysis and kidney transplantation as the only possible treatment.

Dialysis is harsh, expensive and, worst of all, only temporary. Speaking as an artificial kidney, dialysis, mechanical filters the patient's blood. This works, but not very good. With sessions lasting three hours, several times a week, those depending on dialysis, in the sense chained to the car in my entire life. Adding excessive stress in the body, causes dialysis patients feel increasingly weak and tired, tend to keep them from work and other normal activities.

Kidney transplant, on the other hand, comes closest to the treatment that anyone could hope for. Today the procedure is safe and reliable, and does not cause complications. With more advanced technology to confirm the match fabrics and new drugs against exclusion, the operation is simple. But those who hope for a new kidney have high hopes indeed.

In 2000, only 2,583 Americans have died waiting for a kidney transplant, the global number of deaths is about 50,000.2 to the sale of organs is prohibited in almost all countries, the number of living donors willing to part with the kidneys, free small(Wilkinson 248). When no family member is a suitable candidate for donation, the patient is placed on the deceased donor list, based on the bodies of people who died of old age or accidents. The list is long. With more than 60.000 people in the queue in the United States alone, the average waiting time for cadaveric kidney ten long years. Frighteningly low odds, some of them turned to an alternative solution: the acquisition of the kidney on the black market. For about $ 150,000, they can buy fresh kidneys from healthy living donors.

Kidney from a living donor can take twice as long. Once a person has, AO transplanted kidney cadaveric stops functioning, he must return to the list of donors, this time, probably at the end of the line. Transplanted kidney life, however, can take human life. Although it may seem that the lack of kidneys, there is really no surplus. In third world countries, there are people willing to do anything for money.

In such conditions of extreme poverty of these people barely have enough to eat, living in shacks and sleeping on dirt floors. Wanting to get out of debt, they lined up in hospitals, is willing to sell a kidney for $ 1000(Radcliffe 351). The money will be spent on food and clothing, or perhaps pay for a family member, AO medical operations.

In unsanitary conditions, the risk is still ...
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