Oral Cancer

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Lack of Education and Oral Cancer and Tobacco Use

Lack of Education and Oral Cancer and Tobacco Use


The main purpose of this paper is to describe the impact of lack of education on tobacco use and the oral cancer arising from this. Because of the increased illiteracy rate, people are not aware of the negative consequences of tobacco usage and therefore, they are becoming a victim of oral cancer. This topic is very important for the health care and the advanced nursing practice in such a way that it helps in understanding the oral cancer related theories and implementing it in the health care field (Bolinder 2007).


Related Concepts

Tobacco use can cause cancer in organs that come into contact with the smoke, such as the lungs, throat and mouth. Since the chemicals from the smoke penetrate the blood cancer can occur in many other organs.

According to scientists in the United States, the developed countries of Europe, as well as in large Russian cities is dominated by lung cancer and breast cancer (in Moscow in 2006 from all forms of cancer accounts 225 000 people). It is believed that this is the result of environmental pollution by industrial waste, car exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke.

According to U.S. experts, every hour in the United States a person dies from oral cancer. In addition, this type of cancer is rapidly getting younger. In previous years, the disease was typical for people over 45 years, but now more and more often patients are much younger than 40 (Little 2004).

Oral cancer in the number of entrained life spans in the U.S. 6th place among other cancers. Disease annually kills 8000 lives. 30 thousand people are diagnosed with "cancer of the mouth" each year, with 20 thousand of them - men.

What are the symptoms of oral cancer?

Przhde total - non-healing wounds, sores in the mouth. Typically, any damage to the oral mucosa heals within 2-3, max - 5-7 days. If the wound appeared in his mouth, not a healing week is an opportunity to seek emergency medical attention (Mirbod 2000).

Other symptoms include changes in color, the appearance of red or white spots, pain, and numbness in certain areas of the oral cavity, the appearance of erosions, the appearance of difficulty or pain with chewing, swallowing, changes in occlusion. Risk factors for oral cancer is Tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. In 75% of oral cancer develops because of two reasons.

Definition of Specific Terms

In most of the areas of the world the illiteracy rate is very high. People is not aware of the consequences of tobacco usage. The usage of tobacco has become very high and it is estimated that almost 87% of the world's population is involved in the usage of Tobacco. There are many reasons behind the low illiteracy rate. The main reason is the financial instability. People is not that much financially stable that is why they are unable to afford the education standard (Surgeon General's Report ...
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