Operations Management

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Operations Management Report

Operations Management Report

Introduction & Problem description

RTP Industries is a major global producer of steel and aluminum. The company produces more than two hundred different kinds of metal products in its plants in Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, USA, Brazil, India and China. The company is a major supplier to a number of cars and household appliances, located in Europe and Asia, Headquartered in London. In recent years, competition from Chinese and Indian producers forced companies to lower their prices to maintain market position. As a result, the company's revenues and profits have declined significantly. Two years ago in order to reclaim their destiny, the company employed a lot of young and inventive engineers in research and development (R & D) units. It was a successful strategy as the company has since introduced six new products to market. New products are selling well and quickly the company's reputation as an innovative supplier and partner. This success persuaded the CEO to start a new company to the whole quality and efficiency gains.

Methodology & sample

Mr. John Smith is the new Quality Manager of the plant and is responsible for implementing the new quality strategy and overseeing the application of SPC. After careful planning and preparation, Mr. Smith has selected a hydraulic product manufacturing unit for the trial application of the SPC.

The collection of a random daily inspection sample of three steel rods; the selected products are then inspected and two types of data are collected: the diameter of the steel rod and the number of surface errors.


The aim was to identify and satisfy customer needs more efficiently and cut waste at every level of organization. Under this plan, the company recently adopted a series of quality management tools related to Total Quality Management (TMQ).

The next stage of the study was equipped with the device capabilities of the process. It was confirmed that the creation and use of the method of control XR chart type will consider the case if it can lower production costs through in-depth analysis of the production process and the possibility of introducing preventive excavations and the elimination of existing problems.

Before calling for preliminary research, it holds greater number of measurements to prove, that is, its normal schedule; the samples were also obtained in pieces, in turn, periods of production, which is not malleable to change.

As a first step, the time interval between samples was described. This time period occurring between the beginning of receiving a single sample and from the beginning of obtaining the second sample;

In this objective, the changes made during production have been found, the investigation, in turn, or at a certain distance of time after the play to establish the current changes made during production.

Observations were repeated several times, and then calculated the average time in which changes do not exceed the permissible values. This period of time were taken to distance the time between samples and carried 30 of the minute.

Rule Violations

Diameter measurements (cm)

Violations for Points

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