Operation Planning

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Operation Planning and Control

Operation Planning and Control


Today is the era of the latest technology and innovation. In this age, only those companies survive that are constantly thrive on innovative products and able to devise marketing policies and strategies that possess the capacity to attract customers and appeal to them in a powerful way. This report revolves around the same phenomenon of the development of a product and devising the process of supply chain. In order to discuss the functionality and features in this report the product that has been chosen is smoothie maker. This paper describes product development, functionality, features, supply chain and logistic strategies of smoothie maker in the market of United Kingdom.

Product Development and Supply Chain

The process of developing a product is an innovative and innovative procedure. This procedure of developing a new product makes an attempt to exploit all the opportunities that are present in a market for a new product with the usage of latest techniques, procedures and technologies. The process of designing the product is a very complex process. This process includes developing ideas for the development of new product, conceptualizing the idea, transforming the idea into reality, commercializing and marketing the product in new or existing market. The size of the product, functionality aspect of the product also the components and materials that are required in the development of the original product are few factors that need to be considered in the process of development of new product. The decisions related to the development of the product can be organized in four categories. These four categories include the category of concept development, category of designing supply chain, category of designing the product and the last category is of rampaging up and launching the product (Chan 2003, 534).

The process of supply chain can be defined by the council of supply chain as all the efforts that are needed in order to produce and then deliver the produced product from the supplier's supplier to the customers of customers. The framework of the process of supply chain comprises of the network of supply chain structure, the business process of the supply chain and different management components of the supply chain. In the network structure of the supply chain, the focal company remains in the middle of the system with multi-tier supplier on one of the sides and multi tier of customers on the other side of the system. The business process of the supply chain consists of managing fruitful relationship with customers, managing customer service, managing demand, fulfilling the order, flow management of the manufacturing, process of procurement, development of the product and commercialization and return process.

According to the research almost the decision regarding the cost of the product is revealed and decided in the stage of design, and development and it is estimated that seventy percent of the cost of the product is decided in this initial stage of designing the product. Research also shows that thirty three percent of the sales of the company ...
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