Operation Management

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Operation Management

Operation Management


Successful operation management requires development of a clear formulation of operational regulatory dimensions, in addition to an understanding of, information technology tools and their relationship. The subject was applauded by researchers, although it is still applied in its first stage in operational management studies. Identifying the relationship dimensions and tools have an impact on many business organizations in building strategies and in the relationship value and impact force between these dimensions and tools. Reviewing what was written on the subject, it was realized that it is still in the process of the theoretical concerns that are input to establish an input to pilot studies dealing with forms in the discussion of the theme of the relationship.

Operation Management

In industrial countries, operation management theme clearly reflected the importance not only with the competencies from the studies and research, but also in spread to the reality of the organization's practice. It is believed that developing countries continued to face problems associated with malfunctioning originated from the operation, tools and its implications for organizations to invest in those states. Based on the foregoing, our evolving research comes to study the impact of the relationship between organizational operational dimensions and technological operation tools in operation management (Wu, 2001, p. 42).

Despite the recognition of studies on the importance of distinguishing between operation management dimensions and technological information tools, there is no clear idea about how to continue a relationship for both axes on operation management in organizations. Moreover, the time itself cannot assess implicit aspects of the question of the relationship between them and the impact on knowledge operations management.

Framework of Operation Management

Operation management is a wide discipline which deals with the management of organization functions effectively. The concept of operation management introduces the relationship between the strategic planning processes and organizational key elements within the organization. The second school emphasizes integrated structure for natural phenomena that created organizational dimension with characteristics which cannot be derived from parts. Despite, organizations must focus on all items properties and not information and communication technologies in the field only and to enhance their capacity to provide knowledge that achieves competitive advantage. These frameworks described below:


In recent decades, total quality management (TQM) has become a buzzword for quality measurement in organizations and management practice that seeks adeptness to achieve continuous improvement of services, competitive advantage and optimal task accomplishment in an organization guarantees satisfaction of customers and stakeholders (Dennis, 2003, p. 42).

The use of TQM as an integrated management philosophy aim is to improve the performance of processes, products, and services to achieve high quality and standards that exceed customer expectations encouraged by many quality experts. In the same vein, the implementation and practice of TQM in an organization gives it the shape of adapting to changes in the business environment and flexible operation of employees in problem solving and adequate utilization of opportunities that influence overall organizational performance. This achievement can only become possible through the combined effort of the work force and stakeholders, committed support ...
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