Operation Enduring Freedom

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Operation Enduring Freedom


In this report, the subject of war on terror has been discussed extensively. The report covers the history of the war, strategic setting, and causes of conflict, description of war and affects of war on terrorism. The war on terrorism has so many implications on the whole world. Though the war was fought by the United States, there were many allies of America all over the world. The war has caused so much to the U.S. of Americathat it has spent its expenditures on war weapons. These war weapons were imported from different countries that severely affected the United States. The war has greatly reduced the threat of terror that was not limited to the U.S. of Americabut also to other major countries of the world. The war finally ended with positive results as the whole team of Al-Qaida has been almost killed now. The references have been given from different internet sources that includes library of congress and other sources.

Table of Contents


Operation Enduring Freedom1

Thesis Statement4



Operation Enduring Freedom (October 2001-March 2002)9

The U.S. Army in Afghanistan9

Strategic Setting10

Causes of conflict11

Description of Conflict13

Affects of War on Terrorism17




The paper on the Operation Enduring freedom is presented with the Thesis Statement that summarizes the problem that is being discussed in the whole paper. The introduction briefly explains the war on terror after which history of the war has been defined. The heading “Operation Enduring Freedom” takes into account the period of October 2001 till March 2002 that explains the conflict, its causes and the strategic setting of the war on terror. The affects of war have also been defined in the paper. The conclusion at the end explains the effects of the war.

Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan

Thesis Statement

“The research analyzes the terrorist's assaults affecting the world as a whole and the operation against them by the U.S. of America Army”


As the U.S. of America was attacked by the rebel group of Al-Qaida on September 11, 2001, the U.S. of America took an important step and started the war on terrorism. The main aim behind starting this war was to protect the whole world from the effects of the extremism. When the war was initiated, President George W. Bush asserted that this war would definitely extend to longer period that is after his period of presidency. The strategy of coalition with the powerful countries of the world was adopted by the U.S. of America in order to cope with the difficulties during war. As the position of the opponent group was in doubt in front of the whole world, other countries made union with the U.S. of America and supported the war on terrorism from the human rights point of view. However during this war, the U.S. of America strictly ignored the repressive strategies as was adopted by Russia against Chechnya in the past.

The U.S. of America war against terrorism was greatly opposed by the people in the Muslim world that promoted negative perspective against the ...
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