Online Social Networking Industry

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Online Social Networking Industry

Table of Contents


Facebook Building Customers2

Facebook Features and Modifications3

Expand network of friends3

Broadcast ads3

Overall Strength4


Online Social Networking Industry


Intersecting the everyday life, social networks rarely lead to the chase as the wish happy business people in the borrowing. Their ramifications are simply chaotic as in "real life". Although they are easy to adopt, this advantage quickly loses its value for companies that are rightly that their efforts are paying up to term. This first thematic report spells out, among other things, why it has become urgent to address them, how to go about to draw maximum benefits, what are the three most useful social networking in business and local cases of success stories for each of them.

Facebook is a social networking website which was launched in 2004. Today, there are around 850 million users worldwide. It allows anyone with an account to create their profile and to publish information for which visibility is controlled by the Facebook to others. The use of this network extends from the simple sharing of private information (through photographs, links, text, etc.) to the constitution of pages and groups to make known institutions, companies or various causes (Barabási, 2003).

All the information published on these two media, unlike the profile, can be accessed by any user without the need to open an account (with the notable exception of the names of members who are partially obscured in this case). Facebook provide a number of features which grasps customer's attention (Dan, 2008). Privacy settings is one such feature which ensures that any personal information, contacts, pictures, video and even search results remain intact. Providing personal information over the internet is one of the most critical concerns of social networkers, and Facebook with its remarkable feature and settings makes non customers to potential customers. In this paper we will discuss this topic along with other facilities which multiplies Facebook members in number.

The social networking sites offer new opportunities for users to express their own opinions, to find others similar interests and experiences, to share and learn in a virtual environment. Artists can launch albums, the directors present their creations, anyone can sell what it wants to advertise local events, things to do and places to visit, share viral videos . Teens wishing to speak are highly interactive and socially mobilize quickly for certain causes, e.g. environmental problems such as the tsunami.

Facebook Building Customers

A marketing campaign for Facebook is increasingly used by most businesses: social networks are a powerful real forum for the dissemination of information, exchange, and advertising, where it becomes easy to make its mark and its projects. You are the only actor of your paper and your image, since Internet now takes care of for you. By registering on Facebook, people create a broad list of contacts with which they interact, share their project, their brand and their events, advertise cheaply, and look for partners or customers. Is the reference tool for relationship marketing relevant, since they have the opportunity to attract ...
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