Officer's Untruthfulness

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Officer's Untruthfulness

Officer's Untruthfulness


Becoming a police officer is a rewarding position. A career as a law enforcement officer gives one the satisfaction of knowing they are doing something good for the community they patrol. However, if the officer resort to dishonesty lies and violates the code of ethics and the rules, he disrespects this profession. As the Chief of Police, I have to handle a case of inappropriate use of computer by one of my officer. The investigation revealed that he was searching pornographic web sites from his computer at work. When confronted, he simply denied the occurrence of such incidence. Further investigation revealed that those sites were logged on using the officer's log on password. The officer then admitted to his offence and stated that such incident will not happen again. The said officer has been in the organization for 15 years and has a clean record except a disciplinary action taken against him 10 years ago for involvement in a fault traffic accident. I have to decide whether to terminate this fifteen year veteran with a virtually clean record? Or to impose significant disciplinary action as opposed to termination?


All the police officers follow a certain code of ethics. The police code of ethics is a set of principles that guide the conduct of public servants in public safety. The officer serves as the virtues of putting into practice its role in their daily guided by his desire to be useful to the society which is committed to serve and help (Hochman 1996). The police are seen as protectors of the society. Children look up to them and for thousands of them, the police is their inspiration.

To ensure a good police work down rules and laws, even more yet they are very general, so it is important to follow a police code of ethics that would achieve a performance within the framework of legality, honesty, loyalty, fairness and efficiency, as well as promoted within the police training and professionalization. The police are viewed by the citizens as honest and truthful. They trust the police officers to protect them and honestly do their work. However, if the police officer commits an offense and denies that offense by lying, it is the violation of the police ethical codes of conduct.

Decision on the Officer's Offense

Police officers are the social control agents of the society. Intrinsically, one of their distinctive attribute is the legitimate authority to use powerful force throughout the demeanor of the obligations they have to perform. Keeping in mind that the officer has been working in the organization for the past 15 years and has a virtually clean record, terminating him will not be the right decision. The officer has not been involved in any offense or inappropriate behavior for the past 10 years. He has been serving the organization as per the rules and regulations of the organization. For his service and his clean record, he will be given a second ...
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