Office Romance Conflict

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Office Romance Conflict

Table of Contents



Literature Review1

Managing Conflict At Work3

The Generational Conflicts3

The Personality Conflicts3

Conflicts Of Interest4

The Hidden Conflicts4

Stress Management4





Works Cited13

Office Romance Conflict


The romance in the office no longer carries the same stigma that a generation ago. Some people believe that if men and women were not destined to fall in love with his co-workers, probably would be working elsewhere (Blanton 2005, p. 45). Love is supposed to be able to conquer all of kilometers of ocean and survive the war years, so an office cubicle can be a small effort for him. However, the office can also become the scene of some of the most pernicious novels tragic, so romance in the office need to be analyzed before implementation.


Even if they go unnoticed, office romances are common in most work places. The reason is quite simple: When people spend many hours together, the attraction is inevitable. Cannot wait to leave their amorous desires outside the walls of the office, since they are not garments, but are states of mind omnipresent. However, the ethics office should be considered, even when the romance is merely the look flirty and romantic messages exchange. Many offices have strict rules about the links between employees and any violation of these could lead to immediate dismissal. On the other hand, some offices do not put any restriction and may even encourage the employees to create stable relationships because it is easier for them if they have employees to married couples single employees (Franklin 2002, p.54).

Literature Review

Office romances depends on rapid development, and experiences that can become bitter if they call the attention of his superiors. Therefore, an office romance has to evolve rapidly based on a relationship or it may be regarded as frivolous and irresponsible behavior. However, this should not give people the license to run in relationships, because the whole affair depends on the partners understanding of personality and compatibility. The romances between workers who are located at different levels in the hierarchy of the company is more preferable to be strictly avoided. because it can cause problems of jealousy, a lot of talk and ill will within the office, especially with regard to employees in lower positions are concerned. In these cases, each development will become a subject of gossip, and reputation of the office slut haunt employees in all future relationships, that is why one should avoid relationships with senior position as if the relationship twist could also lead to labor problems.

Having an affair at work significantly affects productivity in some way hinders the development of the company, is the perfect place to unleash a romance, as it conducive to live for long periods, having a common space, as well as give rise to the strengthening of human relations is regularly shared between the ages of 20 and 35(Grossman 2005, p.21). regularly such relationships do not always have a good end, and may eventually may have a tense and difficult situation for both ...
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