Observations And Interviews: Annotated Bibliography

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Observations and Interviews: Annotated Bibliography

Buckingham, T. R. “Chinese Education” New York Times 18 June (2007) p.n.d

This article describes how cultural shock can effect students from different ethnic origins, especially from the point of view of them studying in universities in America. This is focused on the Chinese students and the cultural differences which they experience while studying in these universities, and its effects of their way of life (Shu, p 23-24).

Lowe, M. “Colliding Feminisms: Britney Spears, 'Tweens,' and the Politics of Reception.” Popular Music and Society 26.2 (2003) p 478-491.

In this article, the author demonstrates the effective use of two major focus groups of "tweens" or people in between adolescence and childhood and conducts research on the societal values of boys and girls and their differentiating values which have been impacted by the music culture and such industries (Leonard, p 55).

Kvale, S. "Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing" (1996) p 134-138.

This publication helped in describing the interviewing process along with the theoretical and practical aspects of it. The role and value of an interview within the research process has been pointed out as an important aspect of qualitative research. Some philosophical issues which may arise in such a process have also been clarified. The author has defined seven stages of any interviewing process.

"International Journal of Qualitative Methods" Retrieved from http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/IJQM/index accessed on 10/31/12

A peer reviewed journal that focuses on the advancement of qualitative methods in the field of social science research. This is especially useful in the methods of science topics of ethnographic, feminist research and discourse analysis of the discipline of sociology, criminology, gender studies, education and research in social anthropology.

"The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics" Retrieved from http://www.indiana.edu/~appe/ accessed on 10/31/12

This is an Association which is based on the support of the University of Indiana which is working in order to promote and facilitate ethical criteria for research. It contains many useful links and publications which are helpful while conducting multi-cultural research and interviews.

Marshall, J. M. Longman, P. "Composing Inquiry:Methods and Readings for Investigation and Writing" Allyn and Bacon. (2008) p 47 - 119.

This compilation has specific chapters which help students understand the research methods used by researchers to collect data, conduct interviews and test theories.

Benmayor, R. “Narrating Cultural Citizenship: Oral Histories of First-Generation College Students of Mexican Origin” (2002) p 324-341.

This uses research to investigate how students in a history class negotiate multiple oral cultures, using different knowledge bases. It provides the opportunity for the first generation of students to make use of their experience practically. The oral history of the first-generation Mexican students focus on the process of transforming the cultural history and strengthening economic integration areas allegiance.

Yung, J. "A Bowlful of TearsRevisited: TheFull Story of Lee Puey You's Immigration Experience at Angel Island”, Journal of Women Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2004) p 612-624.

This is the narrative of a Chinese woman, who was arrested in the Angel Island for nearly two years. This can be a well-documented history as it ...
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