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Obesity in Early Childhood

Table of Contents

Obesity in Early Childhood3



Causes of Child Obesity3

Relationship between Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases4

Obesity Trends in United States of America5

Racial and Ethnic Disparities Obesity6

Health Risk Associated with Obese Children6

Global Strategy by World Bank Organization7

Action Plan7



Obesity in Early Childhood


Obesity and overweight refers to the excessive accumulation of fats, which causes health impairment among individuals. Obesity is a major contributor in global deaths. According to World Health Organization, at least 2.5 million individuals each year die due to overweight and obesity (www.who.int, 2010). Hence, researcher believes that obesity is the fifth leading risk in increment of global death ratio. Since 1980, worldwide obesity has doubled. Survey by WHO in 2010 concluded that around 43 million children under the age of five years suffer from the problem of obesity and overweight. Child obesity has adverse impacts on child's health and wellbeing. Excessive amount of body fat is measured by guidelines published by professionals on Body Mass Index (BMI). Sometimes, modified BMI is used to measure level of obesity in children. High BMI rate is a root cause to several diseases such as, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders and cancer. Childhood obesity can cause premature deaths and early adulthood disabilities. Moreover, obese children may suffer from hypertension, asthma, early cardiovascular diseases and psychological effects. Risk of such non transmissible diseases increases with the increase in the BMI rate.


Causes of Child Obesity

Low energy consumption plays a very important in obesity. This involves imbalance between the physical activities and calories in take. Energy-dense foods generally have low nutritious value. Such includes foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt but low in minerals and vitamins. Social economic status is another fundamental factor that can cause obesity. Less physical activities resulting from urbanization, use of modern modes of transportation and sedentary nature of job ensures obesity among individuals.

Relationship between Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases

Obesity is directly proportional to cardiovascular diseases. Future risk of occurrence of such diseases is much higher among obese children under age of 7. Being obese in early childhood causes stokes and heart diseases, even without presence of high blood pressure which is considered to be one of a major contributor in cardiovascular diseases (ScienceDaily, 2009). Another contributor to such diseases is metabolic syndrome. This syndrome relates to the medical disorder, which increases the risk of heart diseases and diabetes among obese children. Increased abdominal fat, high blood sugar levels, high glucose levels and low cholesterol levels are few indication of metabolic syndrome. Since, unhealthy consequences in the form of excess body fat starts very early. A research conducted at Nemours Children's Clinic in 2009 examined more than 300 individuals aged 7 to 18 years. The research team wanted to investigate about the corresponding risk associated between cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. The results were striking as the children were entirely healthy otherwise (ScienceDaily, 2009). It was noted that, higher levels of C - reactive protein (CRP) may cause cardiovascular diseases. Higher levels if CRP encourages fibrinogen and ...
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