Health care has been one of the issues that were hotly debated during the recent campaigns for the 2008 Presidential Election. Obama Health Care Plan's Price Tag price is around $950 Billion. Apparently Senator John McCain and President Barrack Obama hold different views on how to manage the country's health care system. While both of them believe that there should be a wider health care coverage for all? Senator McCain wanted to “tax employer-sponsored health insurance as income? removing the tax exemptions granted to Americans covered through their workplaces. (Uninsured Americans 101)
On average, Americans spend a lot of money for their health that is 18% of GDP against 11.5% in France. But these costs are unevenly distributed. For those who are not covered by insurance are more than 46 million Americans and represents16% of the population, the risk of being badly treated, or be ruined by a health problem, is great. Barack Obama has pledged to reform this unfair system, but his project, rather modest compared to European systems, is described as "socialist" by Republicans. Americans are currently covered in a very different way. In France, everyone contributes to the health insurance agency managed by employers, unions and the state. This agency reimburses the expenses of insured persons. Nothing like the United States, the population is divided into several groups. The total is more than 100% because some Americans are covered in several ways that is Medicare and insurance. As summarized by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Coverage and choice includes: a health insurance exchange, a public health insurance option, guaranteed coverage and insurance market reforms, and essential benefits; Affordability: sliding scale affordability credits, caps annual out-of-pocket spending, increased competition, expands and improves Medicaid and Medicare; Shared responsibility includes: assistance for small employers and individual, employer and government responsibility; Controlling costs: modernization and improvement of Medicare, innovation and delivery reform through public option, improving payment accuracy, preventing waste and fraud, and simplifying administrative details; Prevention and wellness: expansion of health centers and community based programs as well as strengthening public health departments; Workforce investments: expanding military and workforce benefits as well as providing incentives for the educationally inclined pertaining to the medical field(Kinner 33). Examining such a significant piece of presidential rhetoric is important not only because of the stylistic tools used to influence public opinion but also because of the abstract rhetorical devices of kairos and phronesis. These particular rhetorical stratagems that will enable a clearer understanding of how exactly President Obama is able to act within this specific situation at a particular time to invite the American public and Congress to participate in the process of health care reform. Overall, as will be detailed in the concluding chapter, despite the artistic and aesthetic significance of Obama's speech he ultimately proves ineffective in producing the public and Congressional unity he sought due to oppositional pathetic appeals. Jonathan Oberlander explained during the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign that, “keeping in view the unsatisfactory and inconsistent quality ...