O.J. Simpson Case

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O.J. Simpson case

O.J. Simpson case


Dealing with legal cases and issues can be perplexing and complicated. Often, such a case arises that has the whole world watching. Cases such as these are often enveloped by controversy and speculation. This very controversy and speculation can become the reason of unlawful trial. People begin to question whether the truth was sought honestly or if it was merely a façade of facts and figures. The O.J. Simpson trials are a perfect example of such a case. The O.J. Simpson case is infamous for being telecasted live, its' verdict and lastly the racial controversy surrounding the case. The public began to deliberate on the outcome of the trial and perhaps swayed this case. Though no one knew the outcome of the trial, sufficient evidence proved Simpson's guilt. Through examining O.J Simpson's criminal trial, civil trial and the social and political tension surrounding the cases, it is evident that the American legal system flawed.

O.J. Simpson case

Often cases dealing with celebrities or people of celebrity status, the case becomes highly publicized. The media begins to cover every detail concerning the trial. The public begins to formulate their expected outcome of this trial. Specifically because of the magnitude of the O.J. Simpson trial, the case was televised live. Rumors speculated that Simpson confessed the murder of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman to "good" friend Howard Weitzman. The criminal trial clearly outlined charges laid against Simpson as two counts of first-degree murder. Now "The Juice" as Simpson was known as was being accused of murdering his ex-wife and her colleague, Ron Goldman. O.J. Simpson and Brown wed on February 2, 1985. Prior to the murder Nicole Brown had expressed her concern and fear for her life as early as 1989, she had been repeatedly beaten, battered and abused by Simpson.

The O. J. Simpson twice killing trial is possibly the most publicized case this decade. However, before the policeman can apprehend Simpson and prosecute him, they should investigate. The enquiry methods LAPD utilised are utilised all over the world.

Simpson's civil trial

Simpson's civil trial came as a shock to most, because he was found guilty of the same crime in this court. February 4, 1997, he was held responsible for both deaths. How is that possible? A man found liable for the deaths of two people in civil court but acquitted for the exact same crime in criminal court. The jury of the civil trial unanimously agreed that Simpson is liable for both deaths. Simpson was charged with battery against ex-wife Nicole brown and being liable for the deaths of both. The jury witnessed the same evidence and proceeded with the set of requirements and examined the evidence equally. How then can we determine if this man was guilty, he was acquitted by a criminal jury and convicted by a civil jury? Is this man blameless or guilty? This is a perfect example of when the law does not do its ...
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