Nursing Staff Knowledge

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Nursing Staff knowledge and attitudes towards deliberate self-harm in adolescents

Table of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction3


Aims and Objectives4

Purpose of the Study4

Research Questions4

Chapter 2: Literature Review5

Chapter 3: Methodology19

Chapter 4: Results22

Chapter 5: Conclusion31


Nursing Staff knowledge and attitudes towards deliberate self-harm in adolescents

Chapter 1: Introduction


Deliberate self-harm (DSH) is a serious and growing difficulty amidst adolescents (Fergusson, Woodward, & Horwood 2000). DSH is a premeditated, self-initiated, and non-fatal proceed, conveyed out in the information that it is possibly harmful. This encompasses self-poisoning or self-injury, irrespective of the clear-cut grade of suicidal intention. The most widespread pattern of DSH is self-poisoning. (Hawton, Fagg, & Simkin 1997). James and Hawton (1985) discovered that only 41% of self-poisoners conveyed intent to die. Lifetime occurrence approximates of DSH variety from 1.5% to 10.1% amidst females and 1.3% to 3.8% amidst males ( Brent 1997). One percent will consign suicide in the year following a suicidal try, while 10% are expected to replicate the try inside 3 months ( Spirito, Plummer, & Gispcrt 1992) and 20% are expected to replicate with in a 15-year period. These adolescents are more expected to have psychiatric, learned, communal and behavioural difficulties ( Taylor and Stansfield (1989); Flisher (1999)) but are notoriously tough to enlist in follow-up ( Trautman, Stewart & Morishma (1993); Nasr, Vostanis, & Winkley 1997).

House, Owens and Ktorer (1992). A. House, D. Owens and D. Storer, Psychosocial intervention following tried suicide: Is there a case for better services. International Review of Psychiatry 4 (1992), pp. 15-22. Owens and Ktorer (1992) documented a general insight amidst clinic employees that remedy of mature individual patients who self-harm was ineffective premier to ambivalence in the direction of evaluation and referral for psychiatric follow-up. Negative mind-set amidst employees employed with self-harming mature individual patients has been discovered in other investigations (Barber et al., 1975; Patel (1975); Ghodse 1978). However to designated day there has been amazingly little study about mind-set of clinicians to premeditated self-harm in adolescents.

Aims and Objectives

The aim and objective of this study is to investigates knowledge, attitudes and training needs concerning deliberate self-harm (DSH ) in adolescents, amongst a variety of professionals involved in the assessment and management of adolescence who self-harm.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate: (a) level of knowledge concerning DSH in adolescents; (b) attitudes towards adolescents who harm themselves; (c) training needs; amongst of a variety of professionals involved in the assessment and management of children and adolescence who self-harm.

Research Questions

The study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. To investigate adolescent's attitudes that harm themselves?

2. Identify the factors of training needs among variety of professionals involved in the assessment and management of children and adolescence that harm themselves?

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Rationale for proposal

This systematic review of the worldwide publications about the mind-set in the main heading of clinical services of individuals who self-harm following an episode of self-harm has shown that in spite of dissimilarities in homeland and healthcare designs, many participants' reactions to and insights of their management were ...
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