Brief discussion about the effect of the chosen health issue
Obesity has serious health consequences of an individual, and the more obese, the greater the problems will be serious (Kelly, 2010, 1).
An obese between 25 to 35 years is 6 times more likely to see the development of hypertension with all its vascular consequences on the brain, heart and kidneys (Kelly, 2010, 1).
Diabetes type 2
Diabetes is characterized by a permanent increase in the level of sugar in the blood associated with increased insulin. There is a cell resistance to insulin in obese, which leads to increased insulin, which itself will increase appetite; it's a vicious circle (Kelly, 2010, 1).
Venous insufficiency
With its attendant heavy legs, varicose veins and ulcers are more common in the obese because of poor tissue quality and lack of physical activity (Kelly, 2010, 1).
The alveolar hypoventilation
It is some degree of respiratory failure due to mechanical causes can grow up realizing pick wick syndrome with daytime sleepiness.
The sleep apnoea syndrome
Snoring is associated with a lot more with obesity.
Especially hyper increase of certain fats in the blood often exacerbates the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in cases of abdominal obesity. Similarly the increase of lipids, including the liver is the main absorption system, will cause an overload liver.
Heart failure
It will be more frequent as a result of a larger work called for in the heart for the least effort, and related conditions described above: coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, respiratory failure (Department, 2009, 1).
Osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints Mechanically all the joints of the lower half of the body will suffer from this excess weight and thus pressure and force at their level, as the tendons and the articular surfaces resulting in a crippling osteoarthritis earlier than in topic normal. The joints affected are the last vertebrae, hips, knees and feet (Department, 2009, 1).
Discuss the chosen health issue in relation to the health promotion and prevention of disease.
Obesity can be prevented if the balance between energy and weight can be achieved. Energy consumption can be reduced from fat and conversion of fats away from saturated and trans fats. The high consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces sugar consumption and helps in increase of physical activity. The studies show that at least thirty minutes should be given to moderately intense physical activity. Government can contribute by creating a healthy environment, making healthy diet accessible and affordable. A high difference between calories consumed and calories used can help in achieving success (Department, 2009, 1).
Experts inform that the health problem starts when a person is very little away from weight gain and then person becomes more and more overweight leading to obesity. Unhealthy diet and physical inactivity become the cause of high blood pressure, glucose and chronic diseases which include cardiovascular, cancer and diabetes. Physical activity refers to the movement of body by muscles to consume energy. It is necessary to achieve the equilibrium between ...