Nursing And Nurses

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General Public View about Nursing and Nurses as a Profession

General Public View about Nursing and Nurses as a Profession



In the introduction, we have given a general overview of nursing as it is a degree dedicated to comprehensive care of individuals.


Under this heading, view of the general public regarding the nursing and nurses as a profession which says, profession of a nurse consists of ingredients of accountability and autonomy.


Under this heading, we have discussed the historical information regarding the view of the general public.

My position and Rationale for My position

Under this heading personal view and its rationale regarding profession of nursing and nurses is discussed.


As, time has passed, we have seen many developments in the society regarding nursing to be chosen as a profession.

General Public View about Nursing and Nurses as a Profession


Nursing is also a professional degree university dedicated to comprehensive care of individuals, families and the community at all stages of life cycle and development processes. This paper is a discussion regarding general public view about nursing and nurses (Schmidt, 2003).


Undoubtedly nursing is a profession consists of all the important ingredients of accountability and autonomy. It is a truth that responsibilities are demanded by the nursing profession from the past when nurses were only to provide comfort and care to patients (Al-Kandari, 2005).


From the history, of nursing at present different societies has shown constant change the stigma of nursing, allowing the information is maintained in continuous evolution. The nursing from its origins as an occupation was considered to be based on practical experience and common knowledge, not considering the scientific knowledge of the profession of nursing care of this time focused on the acquisition of technical knowledge that had been delegated (Brennan, 2008). History of the nursing profession shows that the public did not have ...
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