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Nursing Leaders

Nursing Leaders

Introduction, identifies and describes the problem

Nursing is now an important pillar in the National Health System, the work of Doctor would be incomplete without the presence of staff in this branch. The efficiency of health services depends greatly on the role of leaders as managers of them. Leadership in the first place, is the process of direct and influences the work activities of the members of a group, involving other people, employees or followers. The latter are not powerless, can shape and indeed they do, the group's activities in different ways, according to Gustavo López Espinosa in his article about leadership is the "activity of influencing people to strive for voluntarily in achieving the objectives of the group ", however as a rule, the leader will have more power, another aspect is the ability to use different forms of power to influence the behavior of fans, one last consideration is a combination the above aspects, but acknowledges it's a matter of values.

The main task of leaders is to achieve successful and positive results (1). Many terms have been used to define the styles of leadership, but perhaps the most important was the description of the three basic styles: autocratic leader, which is characterized by making decisions without consulting his subordinates staying out of the group, participative leader collegial decisions with the group participating in the activities of himself and the leading rein or careless which is largely passive. Through the perception of subordinates and to explore these qualities of a leader is that you can have a view of the predominant style of leadership.

Discussion of the significance of the problem to nursing leaders

The Heart "Ernesto Che Guevara" of Villa Clara has the important mission of securing the surgical treatment and rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients in the central region who need these health services. Recently, we celebrate the day of American medicine, it emerged that the numbers of cases operated on different types of cardiovascular surgery had risen to more than 586 patients, including children and adolescents. Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of deaths in Cuba, so that to improve the quality of life must prevail leadership styles that move the active participation of workers in terms of meeting the enormous task that is people's health care.

Important concepts that relate to leadership in the midst of many studies that have been made for them, are based on the influence, communication, group process, goal setting, motivation, and mainly the change, taking into account these components, we can say that leadership is a process of influence on the activities, individually or in groups and above all, an effort to move toward defined goals in a given situation.

Leadership is described as a process of influence, whether between individuals or between groups, in order to achieve our goals, implemented in different fields of work, when there is a person able to lead a group of ideas to benefit a particular purpose common, that person is called ...
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