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Nurses Knowledge in Oral Care of Dependent Patients


The paper discusses the importance of nurses' knowledge in oral care especially for the elderly patients. This report investigates whether the planning and delivering of dental care can satisfy the oral health needs of the UK's ageing population. It also examines the latest recommendations on this topic and updates demographic information and predictions. It is viewed that even though oral health is recognized as being an essential part of overall health, it has too often been overlooked and neglected. The research shows that daily use of dental floss is an essential part of hygiene. It allows the person to remove plaque and food debris that are found between the teeth. Different media exist to facilitate the work of carers or allow frail seniors to use dental floss themselves. Nurses Knowledge in Oral Care of Dependent Patients


As society ages, maintains the oral hygiene so that food can be chewed and enjoyed well which is very important in terms of quality of life (QOL) (Watson, 2010, 20-24). Recently, oral care for the elderly has become a topic of increasing interest, as research shows that still many dependent elderly finds difficulty in brushing their own teeth. According to Polit, Going for fixed dental check-ups will go a long way in the maintenance of excellent oral health, but a person has to do impart to make sure that the teeth, gums, and the whole mouth area are as healthful as they can be (Polit, 2009, p 67-123). Getting to know more about dental health care products can help a person to realize the vital roles that each of these products will play for the oral health (Howarth, 2007, 354).

Purpose of the study:

The major aim of the study was to highlight the current situation of nurses' knowledge in oral care; however it also focused on identifying the clinical practice question or problem;

Assessing the clinical appraisal components

Planning the implementation

Implementing the practice change; and

Evaluating the practice change


To evaluate the peer-reviewed worksfor determining the finest available suggestion for providing the essential evidence for oral care to elder patients and to document a research agenda for this important activity in optimizing patients' outcomes.

Discussion and Analysis

Subsequently, several factors may influence the practice of oral health care environments in long-term care are presented and investigated. The results of research on the development of strategies to improve the quality of oral health care are also presented. The strengths and limitations of the studies reviewed are raised to highlight the relevance of this research on the conceptual and methodological. This paper also investigates whether the planning and delivering of dental care can satisfy the oral health needs of the UK's ageing population (Morton, 2010, Pp 56-90). It also examines the latest recommendations on this topic and updates demographic information and predictions (Miller, 2010, 362-366). It supplies recommendations for commissioners and social care services to help ensure the oral health needs of elderly patients and citizens are met (Holmes, 2009, ...
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