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Nucor Co.


Modernized Technologies

The overall assets of Nucor are increasing during the 2006 to 2008, and even in pitfall time there is no significantly fall in the assets of Nucor Co. The Nucor have enough assts and even does not need to borrow money for the operating processes. But the problem may be exist because of the inappropriate utilization of assts or may be because of the old assts. The return on assets is decreased by the year of 2009, which shows lacking proper utilization of assets. The efficiency may bring by purchasing advanced and efficient assets in order to increase the overall corporation efficiency. Efficient techniques can lead high productivity as well as proper management of the time, value and money. High productivity means high profitability. Sale of the product depends upon the quality of product and quality may bring by adopting advanced technologies (Hitt, 2007).

The basic cost and the labour cost of the corporation will be decreased by adopting advanced technologies, and this reduction in costs increases the profit margin of the Corporation. However, the interest rate is zero that shows no borrowed money is on the liability of Nucor. This is showing that the Nucor Co. is more likely to be generated cash from external sources as long term debt financing (Hitt, 2007).

Note: The net income after tax is decreased that may be because of many factors like inflation or other market risks or may be because of high expenses with low sales.

Purchase The David J. Joseph Co.

Although, Nucor can generate finance by floating new share, but it is quite difficult to float a new stock into the market because the value of shares has fallen, require adequate finance to float share plus the market condition of Nucor.

However, the performance of the Nucor Co. was brilliant by ...
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