Notes And Logs

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Notes And Logs On Employee Work Activities


This paper will analyze the work activities of the employees working in a department in an organization. The paper developed in order to analyze the work load, through looking at the number and activities being performed by the people in the department. Through this report, Jeff Chappel, one of the managers in the department wants to analyze the number of employees working in the department, along with the number of activities being performed by each employee. In findings section of the paper, different kinds of activities performed by the employees of the department has been presented. In the end, it can be said that activities other than the routine work are also essential for employees to motivated, and in order for them to give their best performances, which can eventually lead the organization, towards achieving its objectives. This paper presents the daily and the weekly activities of the employees working in the department that are necessary to keep the employees motivated, and working towards achieving the goals of the organization.

Table of Contents




Team building activities5

Daily Work Activities of Leaders8

Step 18

Step 28

Step 39

Step 49

Knowledge Sharing Activities in People's Daily Work10



Notes And Logs On Employee Work Activities


The policies and activities of different departments must interact effectively in an overall activity of the company. Thus, there exists the necessity to set the policies of different department in relation to each other and to the strategy of the company. The overall strength of workplace score in most of the departments is rather low. This reflects the environment of general discontent and low productivity in the company (Bowman, 2004, p. 18). This paper will analyze the work activities of the employees working in a department in an organization. The paper developed in order to analyze the work load, through looking at the number and activities being performed by the people in the department. Through this report, Jeff Chappel, one of the managers in the department wants to analyze the number of employees working in the department, along with the number of activities being performed by each employee. By analyzing this, the manager aims to present these facts and figures to the other members of the department and wants to use the report in order to manage the man power in the department, according to the requirements of the human resource in the department, depending on the amount of work present in the department.


Ideas or techniques used to raise the overall strength of workplace score:

It is made sure that all employees, including the new joiners clarified with the goals of the company, the role of their department and their personal role in goal achievement, on a weekly basis, in order to keep them focused on the targets set for them.

Regular meetings conducted in order to find out the issue of discontent within Gallup evaluation framework.

Closer interaction between managers and workers enabled on different levels.

Team building seminars or outdoor activities also provided.

Sessions on system of personal encouragement and motivation based on ...
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