Nostalgia Marketing And Atmospherics

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Succeeding the literature review, this part purposes to define the procedure of the research and the research methodology assumed to address the research problem and collect secondary and primary data. As it is important to match the research problem with appropriate appraisal techniques, it would be useful to reiterate the research objectives of this study prior to discussing the actual methodology (Creswell, 2003).

Research Aims & Objectives

The core aim of this research is to explore how nostalgia marketing could be used for the atmospherics in retail industry, to understand the use of nostalgia marketing as an effective strategy for retail stores and how it could be beneficial for them on a cross cultural basis. The major objectives will be the following:

To analyse the response and examine the views of consumers towards nostalgia marketing in the atmospherics in the retail industry and to fully understand how the characteristics of nostalgia marketing affect buying behaviour in terms of trusting the products , enjoy the atmosphere and vesting again the retail store.

To determine the attitudes of the managers of retailing companies towards nostalgia marketing in the atmospherics of their business, to realize how they use nostalgia marketing and its characteristics in the atmospherics of their retail store in order to drive the potential customers to extent their staying in the shop, to enjoy the atmosphere, to visit again the store again and finally to trust and buy the store's products.

To investigate the benefits and advantages that a retailing company could achieve through this particular marketing strategy used in this atmospherics and identify the triggers of nostalgia marketing that make the consumers to prefer one retail shop over another which both use nostalgia marketing

To identify the cross cultural features of nostalgia marketing through the retail markets of Greece and UK.

The challenge in achieving the objectives is to find an appropriate method, evaluate the different methodological options thoroughly, make sound choices and ultimately achieve congruence of research questions, research data and process of analysis (Morse & Richards, 2002). Because the methods influence the form the results will take, it is imperative that a researcher is familiar with different kinds of research methods, their assumptions, and the way they are conducted before beginning a project (Morse & Richards, 2002). Such preparation will ensure that the goals are reached, that the assumptions of the research are not violated and that the outcome is solid and consistent. According to Morse & Richards (2002, p.24) there is always a best way to do any research project, a particular method that is best suited to each particular problem.




Step 1 - Collection of Secondary Data

Strathclyde University & Aristotle University Libraries, Books, Academic Journals, Websites & Bogs

This kind of data have been used for the writing of the research's Literature Review and for the more significant choice of the primary data's way of working.

Step 2 - Collection of Primary Data(1)

Quantitative Research- Questionnaires

This kind of ...
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