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No Matter How Loud I Shout

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No matter How Loud I Shout

No matter How Loud I Shout


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the book “No matter how loud I shout: A year in the life of juvenile court”. The paper analyzes the main point which the author wanted to convey in this book. The paper also analyzes the ways through which the author's work fits within similar efforts in the discipline of juvenile or criminal justice system. The paper also explores the ways through which the author has covered the subject and the benefit of this book for the readers.


The author of the book “No matter how loud I shout” is Edward Humes who has also won the Pulitzer-Prize, by showing a great concern on the current conditions of juvenile justice system prevailing in United States. The author has mainly focused the juvenile justice system in Los Angeles County in the era of mid-1990s. Humes has been a counselor and also served to be the writing teacher for different juvenile offending. He had served different juvenile systems in occurring in Pomona California, Los Angeles and Inglewood (Mullin, 2005). The author has described the difficulties and troubles in the lives of seven children which was a striking point of the book. The author has also described the terrible combination of different institutional failures in this book. The author has also described the reaction of public on these issues related to the safety of public and victims. The author has described the essence of failure throughout this book.

What the author is trying to do?

In the book “No matter how loud I shout”, the author has described different major conflicts which are prevailing in the juvenile justice system of United States. The author has described the conflict which was occurring by the public for their protection and the need of a system which can provide protection to the public from the violent and dangerous acts. The conflict was also related to the efforts made for saving the children indulged in crimes. Another conflict mentioned by the author in the book “No matter how loud I shout” is related to the rights of children related to the due process occurring in court (Chang, 1994). This was also related to the ability through which court manages the punishments and treatments to these children. The last conflict which has been discussed by the author in this book is between the people who were fighting for the renewal of this system and the people who were against the renewal of this system. The author has described these conflicts by providing strong support and strong arguments in each of these conflicts. The author has used the hot issue of juvenile system in this book.

The author has emphasized that the main purpose of justice system is to provide protection to the public who are in danger of safety (Amnesty International, 1992). Therefore, there is a great need of making a system which can be helpful for the children who ...
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