New Technologies And Their Use In Service Organizations

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New technologies and their use in service organizations

New technologies and their use in service organizations


Since the evolution of mankind, scientific advancement has accompanied the growth of the world. Man has always come up with new and better ways to make life easy and more productive (Kremer, 1993). The biggest example of this is the wheel, which changed the course of history forever. Man has always tried to come up with new and improved technologies that would help make work easier and faster (Kevin, 2010); (Oakley, 1976). Machines, computers, calculators and hundreds of other scientific advancements have evolved over the course of time to transform this world into a place where work is done by a symbiotic collaboration of humans and technology.

Select any 5 new technologies, and explain how they are used in service organisations to improve their business processes

Automatic Identification Systems (AISs)

Automatic Identification Systems are technologies that can identify different types of items using codes and patterns. The most common example of such technologies is the barcode scanner which is primarily used in supermarkets and hyper stores to tag objects and make work easier for the cashier. But this is not the only use of barcodes. Using the same technology, the media industry is promoting their activities and actions online. Android cell phones now come equipped with barcode scanners. Movie makers, artists, interactive games and even FMCGs add barcodes to their products and posters. When an android user scans the code with his phone, he is instantly redirected to the Facebook Fanpage or the official product website.

WiFi and Paper-free environments

One of the most common and popular forms of modern technologies is the Wifi. Wireless networks have transformed the world into a wire-free and paper-free environment (Sellen & Harper, 2001). Hospitals, schools and other organizations have converted their premises into Wifi hotspots, allowing students to access the internet from their cellular phones, tablets and laptops. This technology has allowed professors to improve the overall productivity of the classroom. A program called 'Dropbox' allows professors to receive all assignments and report submissions electronically. This saves time and eliminates the use of papers (Lemstra, Hayes & Groenewegen, 2010).

The use of wireless connections is also becoming very popular in hospitals and restaurants. In hospitals, all the computers and record stations are linked using wireless networks. This enables universal record storage and access. A nurse can record the vitals of a patient under observation at one end and it would instantly be available to all concerned doctors via the wireless network.

In restaurants, the availability of open wireless networks usually means that customers spend more time and order more food and drinks. It also helps attract businesspeople and working persons.

Process control

Many companies are now using process controlling technologies to ensure that their processes are proper streamlined and there is little chance of any error (Heizer & Render, 2011). Cellular companies Motorola and Samsung claim that they have streamlined their processes so well, they have achieved Six Sigma. Motorola claims that out of a million devices, only one ...
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