Neurotic Styles- Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders

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Neurotic Styles- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental Disorders


The book Neurotic Styles is written by David Shapiro who is a doctor of philosophy PhD in the field of psychology. He is a professor in the graduate faculty of psychology of the New York school. He has written books on neurotic styles, psychotherapy of neurotic character and autonomy and rigid character. He is a practicing psychologist of New York in the area of psychotherapy. The Neurotic Style is a series of books that focus on the styles of thinking, behavior and perception and their relation to the different neurotic conditions. Shapiro has modified and extended the literature on Neurotic Styles since 1965.

In the book Neurotic Styles, Shapiro has discussed the concept of psychoanalytic basis of neuroses. The recent literature of Neurotic Styles focuses on the understanding and identification of character development through the use of psychotherapy in the neurotic character of a person. This book report discusses the theories and concepts used by Shapiro in his book Neurotic Styles. The concepts presented in the book are evaluated on the basis of the classification of disorders presented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental Disorders (DSM). The concepts discussed by Shapiro are analyzed through DSM. The DSM classification numbers and codes are mentioned in order to illustrate the understanding of the concepts identified in the Neurotic Styles.

Neurotic Styles

The author started his work in the field of psychology focusing on the neuroses. The further interest of the author went into the field of autonomy. A person gets into an autonomous personality when the subject achieves freedom from the immediate environment. The increase in autonomy leads a person towards self directed path. The self direction results in the progression of rigid character and a loss in the self respect of a person. A person having rigid character would act as an exaggerated, anxious deliberative and obstinate person. The conflicts in the development of personality and behavior have a severe impact on the progression of rigid character and disturbance in the autonomy of a person. The different styles of disturbances and disorders of personality and behavior are identified by Shapiro in the book neurotic styles.

Obsessive- Compulsive Style

DSM Classification Code: 300.3

The obsessive compulsive style of personality disorder consists of excessive rigidity, lack of reality and loss of autonomy in a person. The presence of these disorders affects the behavioral experiences, cognitive experience and affective experiences of a person. The disorders in the experiences of a person lead to obsessive compulsive style of personality in a person. The thinking process of people suffering from such personality style is considered as rigid and strict. The strictness and rigidity in the personality of a person has a severe effect on the interpersonal relations of the person. The disorder in the cognition process characterized by rigidity made the person has pervasive nature of intention for other people. The people holding an obsessive compulsive style of personality is not easily influenced by others because of the resistant in the personality ...
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