Negro Association For Advancement Of Colored People - Acquiring And Managing Resources

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Negro Association for Advancement of Colored People - Acquiring and Managing Resources

NAACP - Acquiring and Managing Resources


Non-profit organizations are essentially involved and concerned with the welfare and development of people in need around the world. For this purpose, board, committees and members/volunteers of the non-profit firms undertake extensive introduce disparate fundraising activities and undertake campaigns so as to acquire support from individuals, various foundations, governmental and various other private organizations. The fundraising campaigns though has always been more of a challenge with its tedious nature being obvious in every fundraising activity undertaken to accumulate funds; the acquisition of resources become much more difficult and the problems increase by multifold especially in times when the world is facing severe economic downturn. It is these challenges that have prompted non-profit organizations more than anything to carefully design and critically evaluate their strategies before implementation so as to ensure the important aspects of the strategies, that are key to acquisition and management of resources, are planned in a way to drive optimal operations and results (Nutt & Backoff, 1992).


For the non-profit firms to be successful, the use of current state-of-the-art facilitation techniques is imperative because this is what guides their strategic planning through forming the linkage between the planning process and the needs that it plans to serve. The strategic planning should be so planned so as to completely reflect the needs and the nature of the NPO, which is possible through the utilization of updated models for strategic planning processes that factor in elements according the need and nature of the organization. The planning could also go haywire with strategies delivering no value when the core aspects of the strategies are left unidentified (United Way of American, 1995).

The significance of strategic planning can never be declined with its root implanted in the outcome delivered by the organizations. And as mentioned above, their are certain aspects that comes attached with this planning process that is of fundamental value in executing a successful strategy. There are quite a number of aspects; differing across the level of importance, but it again is about the nature and need of the organization that helps in the selection and prioritization of the core aspects that depicts high value in the alignment of the NPO to its stated goals.

The crux of the discussion above points to one inevitable finding, there exists no universal simple formula and strategies are needed to be customized for NPO's regardless of the similarity in the end goal, which is welfare of the people who are suffering and seeking help and support. The rationale behind that, as mentioned earlier is the nature and need of the organization and when we talk about nature and need, we mean the industry to which the NPO belongs as with the shift in industry; we see shift in the organizational nature and thus the needs. NPO prevails in across almost all the industries; ranging from education to sports through to religious activities. Charity and healthcare industry are most common ...
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