Negative Effects Of Caffeine

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Negative Effects of Caffeine


Anything, good or bad, if taken in excess have a negative impact on our life. This paper is mainly focusing on the uses and the negative effect of caffeine in general short and long-term effect. Caffeine is a substance belonging to the family of alkaloids, a group of compounds widely varying widely in plants.

Caffeine, like other alkaloids (atropine, nicotine, strychnine, morphine) is physiologically active in animals even at very low concentrations and is probably used by the plant as a defense mechanism against herbivores.

Caffeine in humans influences many biological reactions. Some of these interactions are beneficial to the body while others are responsible for side effects of this substance.

Caffeine (mainly extracted from coffee, Coffea arabica, family Rubiaceae), belongs to the group of purine alkaloids such as theophylline (from tea, Camellia sinensis, fam. Theaceae), and theobromine (from cocoa, Theobroma, Sterculiaceae family) (Marcovitz, 23-35).

Caffeine is not contained only in coffee but is also found in other plants and foods. The case, for example, the coca cola, of ' yerba mate, the chocolate, the energy drink based on cola, herbal products such as guarana, to say nothing of analgesics, anti-cellulite cosmetics or medicines for diseases by cooling. It 'interesting to note, for example, how the tea leaves have about twice the caffeine content (2-4 %) compared to coffee beans (1-2%), however, because of the different extraction method, the' tea contains about four times less caffeine than leachate.

Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, its chemical shape makes it suitable to interact with specific biological receptors that regulate the function of the cardiovascular system, endocrine and nervous systems.

The intestinal tract absorbs caffeine rapidly and peak concentrations in plasma are observed after about one hour after its ingestion. However, its metabolism is rapid and much higher than other stimulants such as amphetamines. Already after 3-6 hours after the plasma levels of caffeine are reduced by 50%.

Being lipophilic, caffeine has the ability to quickly switch the blood-brain barrier (a kind of virtual wall in the brain, responsible for preventing the passage of many molecules transported from the blood).

Caffeine can also cross the placenta and can therefore be present in breast milk. During pregnancy, it is therefore advisable to greatly reduce the intake of coffee and other foods high in caffeine.

Although the effects of this substance are numerous (as discussed in detail in a few lines), most of them is due to the stimulating effects that caffeine exerts on the entire body (Marcovitz, 23-35).

Nervous System

Excitability, improve reflexes and the ability to concentrate, analgesic,

Mediated actions by interaction with biological receptors (cardiovascular and respiratory system):

Due to its action against competitive antagonist of adenosine receptors, caffeine promotes the release of two hormones called epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Catecholamines promote the ' increased metabolism body, the heart rate, blood pressure and the number of breaths (thus increasing the oxygenation of blood)

Additional Features

Increased acid synthesis in the stomach, increased urination;

When applied to the skin via specific cosmetics (creams, gels and patches), is useful in ...
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