Aim of the Project
Recent improvements in information and financial technology have focused attention on the ideas of global business strategy and alliances. How well the outside world understands the business practices of a particular country could determine the difference between a successful and a failed outcome—especially if the country is an emerging economy such as Iran (Ashraf & Ghani, 2005). An essential part of this understanding is to determine how a country's business entities measure, summarize, and finally report their economic transactions to their stakeholders. This paper focuses on the origin and development of accounting in Iran with emphasis on the factors that have influenced accounting disclosures and practices.
Earlier research focused on the development, variety, and classification of accounting practices of different groups of countries.1 A recent review of the accounting literature reveals that the level of economic development, the nature of business enterprises and their relationship with providers of capital, political and economic ties, legal system (common vs. code law), tax laws, inflation levels, and level of education, are important environmental factors that influence accounting practices.2
Islamic nations have been mostly left out of the research on accounting development (Meek & Thomas, 2000). This study contributes to the literature by focusing on the development of accounting in Iran, an Islamic Republic with a long history in accounting and auditing. Because of its natural resources and new petrochemicals industries, for example, Iran also offers ample investment opportunity to foreign investors who wish to diversify their risks by investing in capital markets of other countries.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this paper is to show the origin, growth and practice of accounting in Iran plus analysis of influential factors such as financial markets, tax policies, privatization, membership in the World Trade Organization, foreign investment, and legal systems. Documents of ancient Iran show that in 550 B.C. (Achaemenid era), all records of public revenues and costs were kept soundly and with remarkable accuracy. These documents display the relentless progress and development of accounting in Iran up until now (pre-Islamic era, post-Islamic era, and contemporary era). During the past two decades, various measures have been adopted to promote and advance accounting in Iran via harmonizing the domestic accounting practices with International norms and standards. Although Iran has employed International Accounting Standards as the basis for developing its National Accounting Standards, there are still some differences between Iranian and international standards, and there are some certain International Accounting Standards that are not applicable in Iran. A host of endemic factors, such as existing laws and rules, religious beliefs, culture, economic and political conditions, have influenced the National Accounting Standards setting processes.
Islamic Republic of Iran — an introduction
Iran, a nation of more than 69 million people, is situated in west Asia, in a region commonly referred to as the Middle East. Geographically, Iran's surface area is 1,648,195 km. Iran is a country with rich resources of oil ...