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Nazism in the 20th Century

Nazism in the 20th Century


Nazism or National Socialism (in German: Nationalsozialistische), is an ideological policy of the Nazi party, political party founded in Germany in 1920 and headed by Adolf Hitler. Nazism is the only type of fascism incorporating both biological racism and anti-Semitism. This world view hierarchically divided mankind into races, hierarchy on top of which stood the “Aryan race". By extension, the term refers to the Nazi political system inspired by the ideology, led by Adolf Hitler from 1933 to 1945 and known as the Third Reich and "Nazi Germany".

As a subject of political science, the definition divides historians of Nazism. In particular, the question remains open whether Nazism was only one form of fascism or because of having made ??racism a doctrine of state, Nazism should be considered as a unique historical phenomenon. Indeed, the anti-Semitism of the Nazi regime official, from 1933, the removal of disabled and persecution of opponents, homosexuals, the gypsies, etc. Materialized by the facility in 1933, the first concentration camps were established in Germany. This policy did nothing but grow up to 1945. Thus, more than ten million people perished in concentration camps and extermination camps, the majority of Jews (Bauer, 2000).

The German Nazism is an ideology articulated at the 20's but did not reach significance until the 30's, when the harsh peace terms imposed by the Treaty of Versailles (1919) are coupled with the global crisis on Black Thursday in 1929. In Germany the situation is even more pressing since the devastating economic effects are compounded by the obligation to pay the tribute of the defeat in the First World War, and popular discontent with the unfair situation that made ??the streets were filled with demonstrations extremists of all stripes, both left and right.

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler founded ...
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