The Art of the Third Reich or Nazi art, the art formally approved and produced in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, characterized in the art by its nature monumental, the purpose of propaganda to the large audience that addressed (the masses) its realism and its follow-up models of classical art, all of which helped to define your style with the names of heroic realism and romantic realism. If instead he reveals a lack of such lasting value for our people and today would be devoid of a higher value. (Richard, 80)
Speech by Adolf Hitler at the opening of the (Great Exhibition of German Art). While banning most sophisticated styles and elitist characteristic of modern art or contemporary art, denigrated under the title of " degenerate art "(entartete kunst), the Nazis promoted painting and sculpture that conformed strictly to like conventional or traditional and that enhances values of blood and soil (Blut und Boden : racial purity - Aryan myth, Nordic, eugenics - militarism and obedience). Favorite themes were the epitome of popular types (volk) working in the field, the return to the virtues simple love of the homeland (Heimat), the virtues of the National Socialist struggle (Kampf) and praise to the activities considered typical of women in spaces that is traditionally restricted children. (David, 60)
Similarly, expected from the music that would fit the canons of the tone and get rid of the influence of jazz, for that purpose censored records and films, and repressed young fans. After the forced "removal" of Jewish, communist, and "undesirable" artists from public office and the book burning on 10 May 1933 Berlin's Opera Square was already in the first months after the takeover of the Nazis clear that the diversity of art and culture of the Weimar Republic was irrevocably over. Rejected and ...