Nature Versus Nurture, Are Men Smarter Than Women

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Nature versus Nurture, Are Men Smarter Than Women

Nature versus Nurture, Are Men Smarter Than Women



For a century, psychologists agree on equal intellectual abilities of men and women.

There is much literature on gender differences in learning, but a competent review is beyond the scope of this article. In short, sexual preference in style is just one of the areas in which men and women differ. It was noted that men prefer the rational evaluation and logic, while women use the "detailed" process with the trend of personal communication and discussion of the material. In addition, a man is more result-oriented, while women are more socially and focused on quality. Women are also more prone to social interaction and self-esteem is higher in men. And finally, men like to associate success in the classroom with outside elements, while the success of women in teaching is related only by training. It is believed that the man is more focused than external world, and a woman is more self-critical and introspective. Men and women are more alike than different that been the consensus view for many years among the researchers who study personality differences between the sexes.

The distinction between men and women has been pondered for millennia. From Socrates to John Gray (author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), philosophy, anthropology, biology, gender studies, feminism and sociology have all, to varying degrees, come up with answers, yet the question lingers on. Thus, the literature has had its' own say on the subject (Alan, 2011).

Thesis Statement

The paper discuss how men and women learn differently, nature versus nurture, are men smarter than women?

Discussion and Analysis

Researchers trying to understand their nature, their cause, even try to draw lessons for education, teaching, or social life. Thus, the sociologist Alan (2011), shows how taking into account the differences between girls and boys provides evidence to the debate on education

Multiple aspects vs. sequential aspects

The female mind works using a network thinking where information is permanently totaled, the male mind is concrete, pragmatic and hyper concentrated. Female psychology can see beyond the immediate and plan well in advance. Imagination allows the future and takes a precautionary approach to high performance. Men operate more and better in the here and now, we like to solve problems.

The male mind tends to reject the thought visceral and intuitive decisions: everything must be clearly explained and analyzed before making a decision. The female mind is capable of assimilating many small details in a meaningful whole and "sniff" the solution apparently many technical resources. Being more flexible assimilates information that even the men removed (sometimes the right solution is often precisely those data discarded). Perhaps there, in that ability to put together the seemingly isolated lays the famous female intuition, the oracle of some ladies.

The trend seems clear: women and men divided umbrella. The man sees the tree and cannot appreciate the beauty of the forest, the woman goes into the forest, ...
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