Nature And Orgin Of Money

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Nature and origin of money


At the beginning of human commerce, when men began to gradually acquire knowledge of the economic benefits that could derive from trade possibilities presented to them, their objectives are directed, as befits the simplicity of all cultural initiatives only the most immediate. Consequently, individuals only take into account in their exchanges, the value of use of property and all operations were limited to cases in which the goods available to an economic subject had to use it less value than had another subject, while for the second occurred otherwise. In the early stages of trade, when economizing individuals are only slowly awakening to knowledge of the economic gains that can be derived from exploitation of existing exchange opportunities, their attention is, in keeping with the simplicity of all cultural beginnings, directed only to the most obvious of these opportunities. In the primitive economic exchange, operations are necessarily limited cases as described.

Origin of the money can attribute to the period of the Stone Age. Archeological excavations have proved this fact. The main reason that led to the emergence of the first "money" was to develop trade. However, while there was still a primitive exchange, where there was no single measure of all material and spiritual wealth. I just have the agreed product to another product. The exchange process took place everywhere in different ways. For example, some African tribes agree in advance on the exchange and chose the place of the transaction. First, came the sellers, and left their goods, then the buyers come, choose the necessary goods and allowed to replace its pre-approved equivalent.

Over time, people began to select some items that were more desirable. Based on these goods are judged on the cost of other goods. For example, in Melanesia in the role of money were bundles of canine teeth and shells. In the Siberian peoples very popular substitute for cash were fur. All evaluated in bulls, cows, sheep, etc. It was very convenient, since most of the population was rural. Each could hold traded cattle for a while and then let it turn. However, this general exchange of goods was short-lived.

The appearance of the first metal coins meant that humanity has stepped into a new stage of development. This step meant the rapid development of commodity-money relations and social development. It is the availability of production of coins in the state reflects its cultural and economic development level. The coin has become sort of an indicator of social development. One could say, no monetary circulation - not the state. For example, the main fact, which proves that in Scythia, the state system came over - the coin with the image of the king of Althea?

Image of rulers on coins was not an accident. That image of the governor indicated that the coin is a legitimate and genuine. There was still a long way from the time when the production of money must ...
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