Natural Disasters

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Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters


A hurricane is a kind of tropical cyclone which is formed in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean. It usually brings thunderstorms, heavy rains and floods with it. Hurricanes can cause disastrous consequences to coastal areas and can move hundreds of miles inside the land. For a hurricane to occur, there are usually six factors involved. The water temperature should be approximately 26.5 Centigrade, and there should be considerable heat and moisture in the air to sustain the hurricane. There is a disturbance in the atmosphere due to high humidity levels, low pressure and an altogether disturbed weather. There, occurrence is mainly in the oceans with a tropical climate, but can also appear in other seas.

Community Program for Preparedness

Before a hurricane occurs, there is a need to prepare yourself and those around you with the possibility of what to do when the hurricane hits. The foremost thing to do is to build an emergency kit which should essentially carry all the basic items a household may need in an emergency. This should contain food, water and other supplies that could last for at least 3 days. Moreover, the family needs to form a communication plan. During the emergency conditions, there would be less chance that all the members stay together. Therefore, it is important to plan in advance the safe place the family will reach. Further, it is important to hear all the instructions given on the radio and the guidance given by the rescue officials. Keep an eye out for the approaching storms, dark green sky, frozen rain or hailstones, roaring sound and immediately look for a safe shelter place. It is important to close the doors of the house, trim any long branches around the house, clear gutters and secure the roof. Avoid using telephone and turn off lights. Individuals who live in high elevations are in more danger where the hurricane winds are stronger. Low elevation areas are in danger of possible flooding brought by the hurricane winds. Inside the house, basement is a best protection area. Unless, a person feels endangered there is no need to get out of the house. It is important to know the safety precautions at home, workplace or school ( 2012).

Where ever the person is stuck, there is a need for a disaster plan. In emergency situations, contacts should be made to places where the loved ones are stuck and ask for their disaster plan. This is done to ensure, where the person could meet them in case of emergency. Lastly, it is very important to maintain a healthy state of mind. There are different ways to which people deal with stressful situations. The ability to adapt to a situation and to think clearly is a way to come out stronger in an emergency situation (Red Cross, 2012). The fear, confusion and uncertainty to life are the possible factors that occupy an individual's mind. It is best to be prepared and prepare those around you to ...
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