Native Americans

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Native Americans

Native Americans


America's first inhabitants probably arrived from Asia in several waves (two, according to some authors, more, according to others) at the end of the last, this happened about 10 000-20 000 years, according to most accepted theories across the Bering Strait. The first contingents of people who came to America built probably by whites, whose faces were similar to those of the inhabitants of the upper cave and other parts of the Pleistocene of China. Some representatives of these quotas could still be recognized among members of recognized tribes culturally features California. Subsequent migration should be constituted by immigrants, which fell by reaching the west coast to the Andes where they got a high degree of civilization. These imperfect contingents passed between them and resulted in racial groups of American Indians or Native Americans, who constitute the American native population. One of the latter contingent arrived, but they remain isolated from the boreal land with virtually intersect with each other and causing a distinct racial group, Eskimos or Inuit.Discussion and Analysis

In the U.S., following a class action lawsuit involving about half a million Native Americans, approved for compensation greater than the federal government will pay $ 3.4 billion, to be allocated to the Blackfoot people. The reason? For over a century the U.S. government has managed the lands of indigenous peoples in a "blatantly inefficient", creating enormous economic damage to hundreds of thousands of people. Approved in the U.S. the largest damages that the U.S. government will have to pay $ 3.4 billion, to be allocated to Native Americans of the Blackfeet. This is not a distinct tribe, but a confederation of 500 thousand people from various native peoples. A federal judge was to decide Thomas Hogan, as compensation for a century of mismanagement of land resources Blackfoot. Oil, natural gas, pastures and water sources, in fact, according to the judge were very badly managed, creating massive damage. A case history that may soon become a precedent, class action originates from Elouise P. Cobelli on behalf of thousands of Blackfoot, Native American people of Montana. (Sturtevant, 1978)

But let's step back more than a century. It all began at the end of westward expansion of European settlers, when the U.S. government decided to "take care" of the conquered territories to the tribes defeated (considered too "unable") to administer the natural resources. How? Creating trust funds. Thanks to the Dawes Act of 1887, divided tribal lands into individual lots. The goal was to transform the Indians into farmers, thus linking them to individual ownership of land, a concept totally foreign to their culture (as well as that of Australian aborigines, who live in conditions worse than the American people). Fortunately, the efforts of Cobelli were not in vain. In most cases, a tribal court can only assert jurisdiction over a suit against a person or a non-India when it is necessary to protect tribal self-government or to control internal relations. Therefore, only tribal courts have jurisdiction over the activities of non-Indian people within the reservation when they enter consensual relationships with the tribe with commercial ...
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