National Economic Crisis Affecting Nursing Graduates In The Job Market

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National economic crisis affecting nursing graduates in the job market



Introduces the topic and presents the overall situation.

The National Economic Crises:

Throws light in the current economic situation and presents statistics regarding unemployment rates.

Impact of national economic crises on nursing job market:

Highlights the impact of current economic crises on the nursing job market and how fresh graduates are suffering due to the situation.

Major reasons behind the shortage of jobs and affecting nursing job market:

The section presents the major reasons behind the current shortage of jobs, including recession and downsizing.


Concludes the paper and presents the final statement regarding the issue.

National economic crisis affecting nursing graduates in the job market


The current economic crises has affected all walks of life and has been a serious blow to the fresh graduates who are looking for jobs and are continuously trying to get one. Despite all the claims made regarding scopes of various jobs and vast job market, the fact remains that there are lower jobs as compared to the available graduates, and most of occupations and industries have reached their saturation point, thus leaving hundreds of graduates unemployed.

Same is the case with the nursing profession, and nurses are facing a shortage of jobs and thus consequent unemployment. The shortage is not only causing a disappointment for future nurses, but is being a cause of serious concern for the fresh graduates, who are there to make a career in nursing. The following paragraphs give a detailed account of the lack of job for nurses and the ways in which they have been affected by the current economical crises.

The National Economic Crises:

The national economic crises have been affecting all the job markets including the nursing profession, and have been a serious blow especially to the fresh graduates. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate has risen by 8.3 % in the last twelve months, which is the highest since 1983. The unemployment includes all sectors and industries, thus explaining the overall situation and providing the major reason behind the shortage of jobs for fresh graduate nurses (BLS, 2012).

Impact of national economic crises on nursing job market:

The current statistics show that there are still job offers present for the nurses, but the national economical crises has limited scope and has created a situation where most of the nursing graduates find it hard to find a suitable and desirable jobs. The situation is further aggravated when the fresh graduates, with high aims and towering hopes, land in the job market, only to realize that ideal jobs are not that easy to find.

A number of graduates are thus forced to opt for jobs that are not their first priority and neither is desirable as a professional. However, the situation is same for all the other fields and other professionals are facing even more problems in acquisition of jobs (Buerhaus, Aurebach and Satiger, 2009).

Major reasons behind the shortage of jobs and affecting nursing job market:

With the increase in inflation and the worsening economic crises, a number of nurses who ...
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