In the 1990's, theorists and researchers changed their thinking about the diversity of organization in a fundamental way. Efforts, both research and practice, diversity was defined almost exclusively in terms of numbers of women and ethnic minorities in the workplace. The focus, therefore, was in the development and implementation of programs AA or EEO to increase the number of women and ethnic minorities in organizations. This approach, however, did not sufficiently take into account the impact on the organization and its members. Although AA and EEO practices resulted in greater diversity, expressed in numbers, these early efforts also led to lawsuits alleging unfair hiring and promotion practices, had a negative impact on employee attitudes and perceptions of equity, and had the ultimate effect of attitudes toward the polarization process. It is clear that to address diversity in organizations requires a more sophisticated approach, and theorists noted the need in the last ten years 20. (Jick, 1993)
Most managers of Pakistan does not have the management of the levels of education or the ability of the major trading nations, are not most of our educational and training institutions providing world class services (Karpin, 1995 , p. 170).
Middle managers, who are the "survivors" (Ready, 1995), organizational restructuring and a host of other technological changes, the need to help make arrangements for the next "waves of change" (Morgan, 1988) In the area of management development, these changes will become more transformational than incremental. This paper focuses on the development of these processing tasks necessary for better implementation strategies and creative production business changes designed, especially in the workplace. (Jick, 1993)
Changes in the change management literature
Middle managers, this publication looking for successful models and case studies of change, adversity may have to find something that meets your needs. The vast majority of change models found in the literature of change management (eg, Berger et al, 1994;. Jick, 1993, Wilson 1992), not to organize the top concerns of reducing middle management. That is, the models tend to focus very strongly on:
• The top-down business change through the process of re-engineering;
• The vision, mission and business do not apply minutiae schemes;
• hierarchical methods and active change management and
• In short, the short-term gains than long-term development or discovery processes.
However, the dominance of the "top down" models of change management approaches under critical scrutiny from various sources (Jick, 1993). According to Hart (1992, p. 2) "The expectation of the head leaves out or distorts the information of most people." Feminists are not only curious practicality and financial dominant rationalism implicit in common management models. More recently, Morgan (1994) has suggested that all stakeholders in the process of change that need to be confirmed in the construction of metaphors and "boxes" to organize for change. change models, he suggests, should be built on the process of "imaginization." Middle managers would benefit from the process by building (or adapting) the models of change: to contemplate their current concerns ...