Father Daniel Mary principally created and pioneered the strategic vision for the Carmelite Monks with the primary aim to obtain the land in order to further expand the operations of the monastery. He had the clear visions, directions and inspirations for achieving his goal to expand and improve the operations of the coffee business and for that purpose he used the funding from donations and the coffee roasting operations. He wanted to acquire the Irma Lake ranch at the list price of $ 8.9m millions.
His initial vision includes the expansion of the monastery through the acquisition of Irma Lake ranch that would enable him to build a Gothic church, the retreat center, convent for the Carmelite nuns, and the construction of seventeen more monks so as to increase the small brotherhood. Father Daniel Mary wanted to achieve his vision and for that purpose he wanted the support of Mystic Monk Coffee in buying the new land.
Mystic Monk Coffee also made the vision of Father Daniel Mary as their vision in the best interest of the monastery which they wanted to make reality by transforming the coffee into the land with the intention to use the profits towards acquiring the desired land to spread out the monastery.
The primary aim of Carmelite Monks of Wyoming was to earn more revenues and profits in order to ensure their own sustainability in the market and to help the Father Daniel Mary in building up the Gothic Church, retreat center and convent through purchasing the Irma Lake Ranch.
Answer # 2
Father Daniel Mary introduced definite objectives and performance targets to achieve his mission of obtaining the land as he observed that Mystic Monk Coffee productions were failed to generate enough cash flows to reserve funds to purchase the Irma Lake ranch.
The first objective was to raise the coffee production as the sales of coffee was the primary medium to get the finance to help buying the land. Therefore, the demand for the coffee surpassed the capacity of the roaster and they planned to invest more in the buying the new roaster to earn larger profits.
Mystic Monk Coffee planned to sale out their coffee online while making their distribution channel better in order to attract larger population with the aim to earn larger profits.
Performance Target
The Father Daniel Mary created the performance target through purchasing the new roaster ...