My Life Story

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My Life Story

Piero Terio

2635 Clover Street

Rochester, NY 14618

July 25, 2009

In this paper, I will review how the evironment impacts the development of a child. Child development refers to the process in which children go through changes in skill development during predictable time periods, called developmental milestones. Developmental delay occurs when children have not reached these milestones by the expected time period. For example, if the normal range for learning to walk is between 9 and 15 months, and a 20-month-old child has still not begun walking, this would be considered a developmental delay. Developmental delays can occur in all five areas of development or may just happen in one or more of those areas (to read about the five areas of development, click here). Additionally, growth in each area of development is related to growth in the other areas. So if there is a difficulty in one area (e.g., speech and language), it is likely to influence development in other areas (e.g., social and emotional). Competence/mastery theories of intrinsic motivation concern children's experience of effectiveness in interaction with their environment. Children seek to interact effectively with their environment, and to the extent that they experience mastery, intrinsic motivation is enhanced. Central to this theory is the child's sense of being in control, that is, being a causal agent or influencing the environment by producing successful and noticeable outcomes. Activities may be considered broadly, including play, interactions with toys, learning materials, or individuals such as parents, peers, or teachers. Experiences that enhance competence/mastery intrinsic motivation include responsiveness of play materials and the social environment, parental provision of effectance feedback (i.e., competency information) to the child, and availability of materials and activities at an optimal level of challenge relative to the child's developmental abilities.

I am in search of the environment that might develop my child in a proper way. Lets me first mention my historical background.

My name is Piero Terio and I was born in Rochester, NY and have lived here all my life. For the past 33 years I have worked and gone to school in the very same suburb of Rochester. Both of my parents and extended family all emigrated here 46 years ago from Italy and continue to live in same suburb of Rochester.

Our family is a very close Italian catholic family that regularly attends our faithful church named St. Louis in our Pittsford suburb town. Since I can remember I have been attending services there and had my communion and confirmation there. Dr. Xiao has also been simulated into the church, enjoys masses on Sundays and has even joined the St. Louis choir, which meets every other week. The church has given us a joyous feeling and consoled us in time of need. My family being Italian is very close to the traditional Italian family which gets together sporadically during the week and unconditionally on Sunday for dinner. We enjoy spending tons of time eating and sharing stories at our table.

Just looking back at my past I recall ...
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