My Core Beliefs That Will Guide Me As An Hrd Professional

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My Core Beliefs That Will Guide Me as an HRD Professional

My Core Beliefs That Will Guide Me as an HRD Professional

In the new role in the management of Human Resources (HR) professional, is a promoter of change, such as including total quality, process reengineering and continuous improvement, all these aspects based on human values.

The workplace for these professionals is agile and dynamic organizations, and the ability to understand changes in the environment and the behavior of HR.

It is therefore the HR professional in the modern enterprise are represented countless challenges in the pursuit and development of management. The main idea is to create a partnership with employees, inspire, motivate, and encourage commitment, development of cooperation, collaboration and self-development. (Swanson, 2009)

The role of leadership in the HR professional is a systemic vision, strategic thinking, management skills, leading to conflicts and hills important to transform the intention into reality. Facing the new paradigm is the human resources professional who is in charge of the exercise and to absorb the valley presents changes in its management, integrates the ability to innovate and restructure the new scenarios. (Swanson, 2009)

Most of our actions and our reactions are based, before you know it necessarily reflect on our beliefs. The quarry is one of the areas most suitable in this regard, it is estimated that the work is 70 to 75% of waking hours of a North American. It's not difficult not to give a moment of reflection. Here are some examples:

if I do not have a special place in my organization, I am worthless;

my job is my life and if I lose, I lose everything;

the harder I work, the more we will reward me and recognize me.

In each of these beliefs, there is truth and falsehood. How to make a difference and especially in making the most? If talking to someone you trust or a professional can be a good way to separate fact from fiction, much of the work can be accomplished by yourself.

Our fundamental beliefs profoundly influence all aspects of our lives. They present themselves as beliefs developed after observing people around us. Those that have crystallized in childhood become virtually unshakable. They may be our greatest strength as our greatest vulnerability.

My father was right; I'll never get anything in life.

Each day gives me a pleasure which I take cheerfully.

My mother always told me: "If you're not the best, you do not deserve that you pay attention!”

They mainly affect self-esteem. For Mary De Remer, a psychologist at the Clinic of cognitive behavioral therapy, "it is not surprising that basic beliefs have a huge effect on our feelings, our behavior and our ability to manage stress life ".

Working on ourselves and how we perceive ourselves is one of the most significant changes to improve the way we think, act and even feel.

Fortunately, our beliefs are often particularly comforting and we can rely on them to rebound.

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