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Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

Introduction Multiple sclerosis is a disease which pertinent to the nervous system. Nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord MS affects the nervous system of the human being. Multiple sclerosis damages the myelin sheath; it is an insulation of nerves that protects the nerve cells. Myelin helps in improving the conduction of the impulses which are along with the nerves. It is essential for keeping the nerves healthy. Inflammation occurs in multiple sclerosis that damages the myelin. The damage slows down or breaks the messages that travel along the nerve between the brain and body. Multiple sclerosis affects the person's vision, writing and speech capabilities, memory, and walking capabilities. It is an autoimmune disease, which means the disease attacks on your body by itself. According to the recent research, women are more affected with this disease than men.

The average age of this disease is between 20 and 50. This is not a serious disease, but if a person is affected more then he will lose his writing, speaking, and sometimes walking capabilities. According to the latest research, there are around 35,000 people in US who are being affected with multiple sclerosis. Although the average age of affected people is between 20 to 50 years. There are types of multiple sclerosis depending on the severity of the attack. In exacerbation of multiple sclerosis, the patient experiences the symptoms more than 24 hours and sometimes more than few weeks. In relapsing remitting MS the patient experiences a series of attacks, this type is common and around 65 to 85 % people suffer from this MS type. In physical progressive MS, the patient's physical abilities start declining; around 10 to 20% patients suffer from this type. The patient experiences rare relapses, but they face more disabilities, and this type is called secondary progressive MS. In progressive relapsing, the patient is characterized by continuous decline in abilities and the patient experiences sporadic attacks.

Causes The main cause of multiple sclerosis is still unidentified or unknown. To find the main cause of multiple sclerosis, the researchers have been studying the reasons of disorders in the immune system and genetics. The function of the immune system is to defend the human body from any external attack i.e. diseases or viral. The function of the immune system is dependent on the communication between the immune cell and production cells. The communication between these cells hinders in the intruder's way. The research has shown that the viral agent penetrates into the immune system and immune system assumes myelin as a viral agent. After so many researchers have been conducted on this issue, the researchers have concluded that there are four possible factors that cause this disease in the human body. Immunological may be a factor that ...
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