1. Which of the following are documents filed with juvenile court that allege a certain juvenile is delinquent?
A) PetitionsB) ChartersC) IndictmentsD) Allegations
2. Which of the following rights are juveniles entitled to now as a result of the decision in re Gault?
A) Automatic and mandatory appellate reviews of their casesB) the right to invoke the privilege against self-incriminationC) All of the aboveD) right to obtain transcripts of juvenile court proceedings
3. What population did truancy statutes target?
A) RunawaysB) Petty thievesC) Youthful sex offendersD) Youths who avoided attending school
4. Discretionary powers of police involving juveniles are limited to which of the following?
A) Verbal warningsB) none of the above.C) Taking juveniles into custodyD) Arrests
5. Which of the following is an example of a conditional disposition?
A) All of the aboveB) ProbationC) Secure confinementD) Dismissal
6. Which is the equivalent of an adult sentence in juvenile court?
A) FindingB) DispositionC) AdjudicationD) Petition
7. The idea that certain persons are destined to be delinquent is consistent with which theory?
A) LabellingB) ContainmentC) Differential associationD) Deterministic
8. Which model for dealing with juvenile offenders presumes that delinquent conduct is like a disease?
A) The due process modelB) The non-interventionist modelC) The treatment model or medical modelD) The crime control model
9. Studies of delinquency and social class tend to find proportionately more delinquency in which social classes?
A) MiddleB) LowerC) None of the aboveD) Upper
10. What was the Hospital of Saint Michael known for its use of?
A) Solitary confinementB) Corporal punishmentC) SurgeryD) Inhumane leadership
11. This theory conjectures that delinquency is caused by a genetic structure that is principally aggressive?
A) Differential associationB) XYYC) HedonismD) Psychoanalytic
12. Obtaining an individual's name, address, fingerprints, photograph and other vital information is a part of what process?
A) BookingB) ArraignmentC) AdjudicationD) Disposition
13. Youth squads within police departments tend to be which of the following?
A) ProactiveB) ReactiveC) JudgmentalD) Open-minded
14. Which of the following is not a legal factor?
A) Prior record of the youthB) Seriousness of the crimeC) The type of the crimeD) The gender of the youth
15. What population did the poor laws target?
A) Female youthsB) Socioeconomically disadvantagedC) Status offendersD) Quakers
16. Free will is most closely associated with which of the following?
A) The classical schoolB) The positivist schoolC) LabellingD) Negativism
17. A large number of intake officers in many jurisdictions perpetuate which doctrine?
A) Hands-offB) Parens patriaeC) Due processD) Get tough
18. When and where was the first juvenile court established?
A) Illinois, 1899B) Texas, 1855C) Philadelphia, 1776D) New York City, 1805
19. Which of the following is true concerning the weaknesses of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)?
A) They overemphasize terrorism related crimesB) They overemphasize street crimesC) They overemphasize cyber crimeD) They overemphasize corporate crimes
20. Which philanthropic organization significantly influenced eighteenth-century correctional practices?
A) The Bridewell WorkhouseB) The National Rifle AssociationC) The Parens Patriae AssemblyD) The Philadelpia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Persons
21. The word process is sometimes used to describe the criminal justice ...