Mountain West Health Plans, Inc.

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Mountain West Health Plans, Inc.

Mountain West Health Plans, Inc.

Answer to the Question # 1

Issues Faced by Martin Quinn

There were many issues which were faced by Martin Quinn, senior vice president for operations and services for Mountain West Health Plans, Inc. The main problem was due to the retirement of former director of Mountain West Health Plans, Inc., Ms. Evelyn Gustafson. Ms. Evelyn Gustafson was a very helpful lady. She used to motivate her subordinates. She was very experienced. While the newly hired director, Erik Rausmussen was a very hardworking but nonsense young man. His goals were efficient but non flexible scheduling. Often we have a passion to work, we know what we want, but in spite of the involvement of not achieving the target (Kippenberger, 2002).

Answer to the Question # 2

Comparison between the Leadership Styles of Evelyn Gustafson and Erik Rasmussen

Evelyn Gustafson and Erik Rausmussen, both had totally different leadership styles. Evelyn Gustafson had relation oriented leadership style. The relationship oriented approaches represent relationships to other elements of the senior executive leadership. In the forefront of consideration, e.g. labor relations, to the group, the situation or the organization to set the example interaction theories from their studies on the elements involved in the implementation process, such as a manager, employee, group and situation, which influence each other. Evelyn Gustafson had the leadership style which used to put people to work. This style is typically given in situations where there is time to consider alternatives, to listen to ideas. There is time for the team to gather information and use it in the decision process, propose approaches to the problem, generate ideas. These situations usually occur in areas of business where you have to make decisions and have time to decide: directories of companies, working groups in functional areas of the organization, groups of professionals (Kippenberger, 2002).

Erik Rausmussen had the task oriented leadership style. He had the type of leadership that used to put the work to be done, tasks, people. In most of the scenarios, what is the decision is short and the task is of decision: there is often no time to talk to the team, to hear other opinions, no time even to discuss alternatives. It must decide correctly and quickly. In the corporate world there are situations like this: the last days before going into production with a new system, the last days before launching a product to ...
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