Motivation Practice At Tesco

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Motivational Practice At Tesco

Motivational Practice at Tesco

Task 1

1 (i)

The ability to change (change orientation) is one of the success factors of a company. Nothing is absolutely invariable even organizations are subject to change. All areas of businesses change with the time such as: the fluctuation of the workforce, the increase or decrease in funding and the creation of new projects reflecting the needs of members. If the organization does not respond to change, it will struggle and eventually disappear. Organizations are constantly being in the presence of forces that cause them to evolve (Barbuto, 2006, 300-326). Each organization has objectives and goals, and the various methods by which these objectives are achieved (or not achieved) are often a direct result of leadership styles and attributes of the people in charge. Many, if not most of the distinguished leadership theories applied to public and business organizations. Along similar lines, leadership traits among CEOs, executive directors, and individual board members entrusted to lead and manage nonprofit organizations also vary greatly, and the methods and techniques they employ in guiding their organizations to achieve tangible outcomes are often related to their personal leadership styles (Avolio, 2005, 315-338).

The Ways Leadership Is Affected By Corporate Culture, Personal Values

Today the leadership is highly affected by the different organizational elements such as corporate culture, values, globalization etc. The leaderships of today have to consider different perspective to overcome the issues of organization like diversity in the work force, impact of increasing globalization and most important the culture. Every decisions at corporate are directly related with these organizational factors. These elements with the passage of time have gained fundamental strengths in the new era.

Ethics Has To Leadership within Organizations

Examinations of the roles ethics and morality play for leaders and in the leadership process have been a concern of scholars dating back to Plato. Early philosophical considerations of political and civic leadership debated the degree to which leaders did and/or should operate from behavioural versus value-neutral perspectives asserts that the omission of words such as justice and common good in leadership theory is a critical and problematic oversight potentially attributable to epistemological limitations felt by researchers (Day & Harrison, 2009, 125-145). Nevertheless, the most contemporary of leadership theories have attempted to incorporate this terminology and move these concerns to the forefront. Servant leadership and authentic leadership both assert that leadership should be other directed and characterized by a positive moral perspective. Similarly, theories such as the social change model and relational leadership position social justice and ethics as not only critical aspects of leadership, but requisites of the process. Nearly all contemporary theories suggest or assert that leadership is tied to social responsibility. How they define this, though and the degree of its emphasis on models represents points of departure.

Presence of Gender Issues Relating To Leadership

This is the significant issue related to leadership. There are many cases in which the gender issue has taken the shape violence in the ...
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