Motivation And Cross-Cultural Management

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Motivation and Cross-Cultural Management

Motivation and Cross-Cultural Management

Discuss critically how employees were motivated to participate in the learning organisation environment of Equipos.


For most organisations, employees are their most valuable resource. The employees are usually the ones in charge of accomplishing the company's objectives. The success of an organisation is generally determined by the commitment and abilities of its work force. Employees are the backbone of the industry.

Employees who are not motivated will not be personally satisfied nor will they be productive. In the end, it is the organisation who will suffer. Personal satisfaction and productivity are two important things that are considered in motivation, and if they are not achieved the employees will not be able to achieve self actualization and will also not be prove to be beneficial for the organisation.

Learning Organisation

Learning organisation refers to "an organisation skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights" (Coopey, 2005, 193-213). A learning organisation involves an environment in which organisation al learning in an organisation is structured so that teamwork, collaboration, creativity, and knowledge processes have a collective meaning and value. The learning organisation is concerned with effectively and efficiently applying new knowledge and technologies and adapting to change through individual, team and organisation al learning. It will regularly question its statements and assessment its objectives in the light of some its own experience and changes in the external environment.

Peter Senge (1990, 56-61) described his vision of the learning organisation in The Fifth Discipline, defining He outlined five component technologies, or 'disciplines', that are essential to building a learning organisation : systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, building shared vision and team learning. Each discipline provides a vital and inter - connected dimension of the learning organisation

Garvin (2003, 47-80) explores the concept of human motivation and what he calls "the surprising truth" about what motivates us. Motivation works into three elements: autonomy, the desire to direct our own lives; mastery, the desire to continually improve at something that matters; and purpose, the desire to do things in service of something larger than we do (Coopey, 2005, 193-213). There is autonomy when people crave control over their time and their tasks. When this happens, people end up performing at a higher level. At the same rate, when people desire to get better at doing things, or mastery, this element becomes a powerful motivator in the workplace, however it is usually ignored. Purpose, the last element, purpose, is the idea that what people do should be connected to something larger than themselves or finding a motive for performances.

Motivational Theory at Workplace

Managers should make sure that their employees are motivated enough to perform the task at its highest level. Motivating each and every employee of the organization is very difficult task. The motivation level of employees is quite low in every organization, and it is the duty of management to bring it to a higher ...
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